Post Upgrade Steps

There are a number of steps that must be carried out after upgrading. These tasks must be performed by someone with System Administrator user permissions. Depending on the version you have upgraded from, some of the steps may not be required.

Migrating Product Mappings from the SCM Accounting Connector to SCM

If you are upgrading from SCM Spring 2020 or earlier and have mappings defined in SCM Product Mapping object of the SCM Accounting Connector, you must perform the following steps before pushing invoices, credit invoices, or AP vouchers to Accounting:

  1. Click the Feature Console tab.
  2. In the Application filter, select Supply Chain Management.
  3. Click Data Migration Feature.
  4. Click Perform on step 1. When the step has completed, the status changes from “Not Done” to “Done”.
  5. Click Perform on step 2. When the step has completed, the status changes from “Not Done” to “Done”.
  6. Navigate to Setup | Object Manager | Product Group | Page Layouts | Product Group Layout.
  7. Click Fields on the layout's pane.
  8. Select the Product field (SCMC.Product) and drag it to the Product Group Detail section.
  9. Select the DEPRECATED: Product field on the Product Group Detail section and drag it back to the layout's pane.
  10. Click Save.

The Data Migration feature will migrate the data from the SCM Product Mapping object and the Product field in the FFA Connector to the new SCM Line Type to Product Mapping object and Product field introduced in SCM with the Fall 2020 release. By following these steps you also make sure that the new Product field introduced in SCM is added to the Product Group Layout and that the old one included in the SCM Accounting Connector, now called "Deprecated: Product", is removed.

Warning: Not migrating this data will cause FFA Connector processes using the mappings to fail, leading to errors when pushing documents to Accounting.
Note: The "Freight and Handling" line types will be renamed to "Freight", and "Customer Deposit" line types will be renamed to "Deposit".

For more information about the Data Migration feature, see Using the Data Migration Feature. For more information about the SCM Line Type to Product Mapping Fields, see SCM Line Type to Product Mapping Fields.

Adding Picklist Values

When upgrading, you must add the following picklist values:

Customer Quotation Line Object

If you are upgrading from a version of SCM that is earlier than version 7 and you wish to upgrade to SCM version 7 or higher, you must manually add the Locked picklist value to the Service Contract Line Status field of the Customer Quotation Line object.

Inventory Transaction Perpetual Record Object

When upgrading, you must manually add the Use Tax picklist value to the Inventory Transactions field of the Inventory Transaction Perpetual Record object.

Removing the Duplicate Customer Return Lines Related List from the Customer Return Lightning Page

If you are upgrading from SCM Fall 2019 or earlier and your users are working in Lightning Experience, we recommend that you remove the duplicate Customer Return Lines related list that displays on the customer return detail page. The duplicate related list is a consequence of the changes introduced in Spring 2020. This release included the Customer Return Lines enhanced related list, so unless you remove the existing Customer Return Lines standard related list from the Customer Return Layout, both the standard related list and the new enhanced one display on the customer return detail page.

Note: The duplicate related list only displays when using Lightning Experience and having the Customer Return Lightning Page (CustomerReturnLightningPage) activated.

To remove the standard related list:

  1. From Setup, click Object Manager | Customer Return | Page Layouts | Customer Return Layout.
  2. In the palette, select Related Lists.
  3. Drag the Customer Return Lines standard related list back to the palette.
  4. Click Save.