SRP Lightning Pages

SRP contains several Lightning app pages. Each page has a dedicated tab and predefined Lightning components.

SRP Lightning App Pages, Related Tabs, and Components Included by Default
Label Description Tab Components
SRP Administration Schedule jobs and change configurations in SRP. SRP Administration

SRP Administration Actions

SRP Mapping Actions

Billing Event to Sales Credit Note Mappings View and customize mappings for the Billing Event to Sales Credit Note integration flow. BE to SCN Mappings FDN Mappings
Billing Event to Sales Invoice Mappings View and customize mappings for the Billing Event to Sales Invoice integration flow. BE to SIN Mappings FDN Mappings
Expense Report to Payable Credit Note Mappings View and customize mappings for the Expense Report to Payable Credit Note integration flow. ER to PCN Mappings FDN Mappings
Expense Report to Payable Invoice Mappings View and customize mappings for the Expense Report to Payable Invoice integration flow. ER to PIN Mappings FDN Mappings
Journal Line Item to Miscellaneous Adjustment Mappings View and customize mappings for the Journal Line Item to Miscellaneous Adjustment integration flow. JLI to MA Mappings FDN Mappings
Miscellaneous Adjustment to Journal Mappings View and customize mappings for the Miscellaneous Adjustment to Journal integration flow. MA to Journal Mappings FDN Mappings
Payable Credit Note Expense Line to Miscellaneous Adjustment Recharge Mappings View and customize mappings for the Payable Credit Note Expense Line Item to Miscellaneous Adjustment Recharge Customer integration flow. PCNELI to MA Recharge Customer Mappings FDN Mappings
Payable Credit Note Expense Line to Miscellaneous Adjustment Cost Mappings View and customize mappings for the Payable Credit Note Expense Line Item to Miscellaneous Adjustment External Cost integration flow. PCNELI to MA External Cost Mappings FDN Mappings
Payable Invoice Expense Line to Miscellaneous Adjustment Recharge Mappings View and customize mappings for the Payable Invoice Expense Line Item to Miscellaneous Adjustment Recharge Customer integration flow. PINELI to MA Recharge Customer Mappings FDN Mappings
Payable Invoice Expense Line to Miscellaneous Adjustment Cost Mappings View and customize mappings for the Payable Invoice Expense Line Item to Miscellaneous Adjustment External Cost integration flow. PINELI to MA External Cost Mappings FDN Mappings
Sales Invoice to Sales Credit Note Mappings View and customize additional mappings for converting a sales invoice to a sales credit note. SIN to SCN Mappings FDN Mappings
Vendor Invoice to Payable Credit Note Mappings View and customize mappings for the Vendor Invoice to Payable Credit Note integration flow. VI to PCN Mappings FDN Mappings
Vendor Invoice to Payable Invoice Mappings View and customize mappings for the Vendor Invoice to Payable Invoice integration flow. VI to PIN Mappings FDN Mappings