VAT Groups

This functionality allows you to declare your VAT as a group of companies.

Creating a VAT Group

Note: All companies in the VAT group, including the primary company, must have GBP as their home currency.

To create a VAT group:

  1. Click .
  2. Under All Items, select VAT Groups.
  3. Click New.
  4. In the VAT Group Name field enter the name of your new VAT group.
  5. In the Primary Company field enter the name of the primary company for the new VAT group, and tap Return.
  6. From the list of companies select the primary company.
  7. Click Save.
  8. In VAT Group Items click New.
  9. In the Company field enter the name of the company you want to add to the VAT group.
  10. Select the date the company joined the VAT group. The default is today's date.
  11. Click Save.
  12. [Optional] To add more companies to the VAT group, repeat steps 8-11.

Deleting a VAT Group

Note: To delete a VAT group any VAT returns must have a status of "Generated". You cannot delete a VAT group if the group has a VAT return with a status of "Reconciled" or "Submitted".

To delete a VAT group:

  1. Click .
  2. Under All Items, select VAT Groups.
  3. In the list click the name of the VAT group you want to delete.
  4. Click Delete.

Generating a Group of Companies VAT Return Report

Note: For a group VAT return the type of return is always Standard VAT Accounting. Cash VAT Accounting is not available for a VAT group.

To generate a VAT return report for a group of companies, see Group of Companies VAT Return Report.