Installing the Package

Note: To install this package contact VAT Reporting Support.

During the procedure you must provide the org's login details. The package itself is not password-protected and so you do not need to provide an additional password after log in.

When you are logged in, you can review the package contents to ensure that this is the package you want to install. When you click Install, all the components in the package are installed to the org.

Click Select Security Settings. You can choose the usage access for all existing custom and standard profiles in your organization. For example, you might want to restrict its use to the Accountant profile.

You receive a confirmation email message on completion. If your installation is unsuccessful, follow the advice on the message. We recommend that you try to install the package again before you contact Customer Support.

Deploying the Package

Remember to deploy the core Tax Reporting package after installation.

To deploy the Tax Reporting package:

  1. Click Your Name | Setup | View Installed Packages.
  2. Select the Tax Reporting (ffvat) package.
  3. Click Deploy.
  4. Click Deploy to confirm or Cancel to return to the package detail.

Licensing the Package

Tax Reporting is a licensed managed package.

If you have a site license, Salesforce automatically assigns licenses to all your users. The ability to manage licenses is not available. Your users can use the package as long as they have the appropriate profile and permissions.

Uninstalling the Package

To uninstall the Tax Reporting (ffvat) application, follow the instructions in the Salesforce documentation.