Updating Accounting to use Credit Terms in Foundations

This Feature Console page updates Accounting to use the credit terms in Foundations rather than its own implementation of credit terms. The advantages of this are explained in Using Accounting with Foundations Credit Terms. Once this feature is enabled, it cannot be reverted and you must maintain credit terms using the Credit Terms related lists on account and Foundations company records.

The fields that Accounting adds to the Account and Accounting Company objects are obsolete if this feature is enabled. Several feature steps automatically remove these fields from standard page layouts. If you have custom page layouts, or custom code that might use these fields, see the "Upgrades Only" information below.

Before starting to work through the feature steps, ensure that:

Work through the steps in the order shown.

  • For each automatic step, click Perform. When the step has completed, the Status changes from "Not Done" to "Done".
  • For each manual step, follow the instructions on screen then click Mark As Done when the step is complete. More information about performing the manual steps is provided below.

When you have completed all the steps, use the Status slider in the Feature section to enable the feature.

Upgrades Only

Migrating your Accounting Credit Terms to Foundations

If errors occur when migrating your Accounting credit terms to Foundations, a full error log is emailed to you. You can either ignore (Skip) the errors and continue to enable the feature, or you can fix the errors in your Accounting credit terms then repeat (Perform) the step to migrate data. If you skip the errors, you must create those credit terms manually in Foundations if they are required.

When migrating company credit terms, if there is no corresponding company in Foundations the migration process creates it.

Manually Updating Custom Page Layouts

The page layout changes that Feature Console performs automatically are only applied to the standard page layouts provided by Certinia. Therefore:

  • If you are using custom page layouts for the Account and Accounting Company objects, you must manually remove the obsolete Accounting credit term fields from those layouts.
  • If you are using custom page layouts for the Account Credit Terms and Company Credit Terms objects, you must manually add the Discount fields to those layouts.

For a full list of the changes, see the Upgrading Accounting guide for Fall 2019.

Modifying Custom Code that uses the Accounting Fields

If you have any custom code using the Accounting credit term fields, we recommend that you modify it to use the corresponding Foundations field on the Account or Foundations Company object. The API names of the Foundations fields are prefixed with fferpcore__ instead of c2g__.