Volume Recommendations for Electronic Invoices

Here are the electronic invoices volume limit recommendations for optimum performance. The invoice type could be:

  • Sales Invoice
  • Sales Credit Note
  • Payable Invoice
  • Payable Credit Note
Volume Recommendations


Invoice Type Number of Document Number of Lines Batch Size
E-Invoice Sending (Auto Send) Sales Invoice Up to 10 Up to 500 Up to 10
Sales Invoice Up to 500 1 Up to 100
Sales Invoice Below 5 1000 and Above Up to 5
Sales Credit Note Up to 500 Upto 10 Up to 100
Sales Credit Note Up to 24 1000 Up to 8
E-Invoice Sending Archive Sales Invoice Up to 450 Up to 10 NA
Sales Credit Note Up to 450 Up to 10 NA
E-Invoice Receiving Payable Invoice Up to 500 1 NA
Payable Invoice 1

Upto 1000

Payable Credit Note Up to 500 1 NA
Payable Credit Note 1 Up to 1000 NA
E-Invoice Receiving Archive Payable Invoice Up to 100 Up to 10 NA
Payable Credit Note Up to 100 Up to 10 NA
E-Invoice Notify Update Payable Invoice Up to 200 1 Up to 100
Payable Credit Note Up to 150 1 Up to 30