Discarding Billing Documents

You can discard billing documents with the status "Draft", "Ready for Review", or "Superseded" if they are not linked to a consolidated billing document.

When you discard a billing document, the related billing document line items are deleted. In addition, the related billing schedules are deleted or the Billing Document Line Item field is cleared on related billing schedules and usage records. The action taken depends on the Delete Discarded Billing Doc Schedule field in the Billing Central custom setting. See Delete Discarded Billing Doc Schedule.


If you discard a billing document that has the External Tax Status of "Finalized", the status of the transaction in Avalara AvaTax changes to Voided so that the tax amount is ignored. When the transaction is successfully voided in Avalara AvaTax, the billing document's External Tax Status also changes to "Voided". If Avalara AvaTax fails to void the transaction for any reason, the billing document's External Tax Status remains as "Finalized".

Discarding a Single Billing Document

To discard a single billing document from the Billing Document Detail page:

  1. Click Discard on the Billing Document Detail page of the billing document that you want to discard.
  2. To confirm the action, click Discard.

Discarding Several Billing Documents

To discard several billing documents in one go:

  1. Select the billing documents you want to discard in the list view on the Billing Documents tab.
  2. Click Discard.
  3. Click Discard Billing Documents.