Analytics Embedded Dashboards Lightning Component Properties

This table lists the fields available in the properties pane of the Lightning App Builder for the Analytics Embedded Dashboards Lightning component.



Dashboard API Name Select the API name of the Analytics dashboard you want to embed.
Enable Notifications Allow users with permission to set conditions and get notified about updates to dashboard widgets. When the dashboard header is shown, this option also lets users open the notifications control panel and manage their notifications.
Enable Subscriptions Allow users with permission to subscribe for periodic email updates on dashboard widgets. When the dashboard header is shown, this option also lets users open the subscriptions control panel and manage their subscriptions.
Height The height of the frame containing the dashboard, in pixels.
Hide on Error Hides the dashboard from display if an error occurs or the user is not assigned the required permission to see the dashboard.
Page ID The unique identification number of the page.
Show Header Display the dashboard with a header that includes the Views menu and Open in Analytics icon.
Show Share Icon Allow users to share images and data from the dashboard by heading a header with the Share control. Requires a minimum dashboard height of 612 pixels and user access to image and data sharing.
Show Title Add the dashboard title in a header.