Soft Date Period Formats

Here is a description of the period formats available in the Soft Dates tab in Financial Report Builder.

Period Format


Current Period The period in which today falls, unless you have specified a current period date override.
Current Period (Cumulative) All the values from the beginning of time up to and including the current period.
Current Quarter The quarter in which the current period falls.
Current Quarter (Cumulative) All the values from the beginning of time up to and including the current quarter.
Current Quarter -3 Three quarters prior to the quarter in which the current period falls.
Current Quarter -3 (Cumulative) All values from the beginning of time up to and including three quarters prior to the quarter in which the current period falls.
Current Quarter -2 Two quarters prior to the current quarter in which the current period falls.
Current Quarter -2 (Cumulative) All values from the beginning of time up to and including two quarters prior to the quarter in which the current period falls.
Current Year The year in which the current period falls.
Current Year (Cumulative) All values from the beginning of time up to and including the current year.
Current Year -2 Two years prior to the current year.
Current Year -2 (Cumulative) All values from the begnning of time up to and including two years prior to the current year.
Current Year -2 (Year to Date) Two years prior to the current period.
Current Year -2 (Year to Date, Cumulative) All values from the begnning of time up to and including two years prior to the current period.
Current Year (Periods) All periods in the current year.
Current Year (Periods, Cumulative) All values from the beginning of time, up to and including the current year periods.
Current Year (Quarters) All quarters for the current year.
Current Year (Quarters, Cumulative) All values from the beginning of time, up to and including all quarters for the current year.
Current Year (Rolling Periods) All periods in the current year or preceding year, working backwards from the current period in the current year.
Current Year (Rolling Periods Cumulative) All values from the beginning of time, up to an including all periods in the current year or preceding year, working backwards from the current period in the current year.
Current Year (Rolling Quarters) All quarters in the current year or preceding year, working backwards from the quarter in which the current period in the current year falls.
Current Year (Rolling Quarters Cumulative) All values from the beginning of time, up to and including all quarters in the current year or preceding year, working backwards from the quarter in which the current period in the current year falls.
Current Year to Date All values for the current year up to and including the current period.
Current Year to Date (Cumulative) All values from the beginning of time, for the current year, up to and including the current period.
Last Period The period immediately prior to the current period.
Last Period (Cumulative) All values from the beginning of time, up to and including the last period.
Last Period Year to Date All values for the current year, up to and including the last period.
Last Period Year to Date (Cumulative) All values from the beginning of time, up to and including the last period.
Last Quarter The quarter immediately prior to the current quarter.
Last Quarter (Cumulative) All values from the beginning of time, up to and including the last quarter.
Last Quarter -3 Three quarters prior to the last quarter.
Last Quarter -3 (Cumulative) All values from the beginning of time, up to and including three quarters prior to the last quarter.
Last Quarter -2 Two quarters prior to the last quarter.
Last Quarter -2 (Cumulative) All values from the beginning of time, up to and including two quarters prior to the last quarter.
Last Year The year prior to the current year.
Last Year (Cumulative) All values from the beginning of time, up to and including the last year.
Last Year (Current Period) The corresponding current period in the prior year.
Last Year (Current Period, Cumulative) All values from the beginning of time, up to and including the corresponding current period in the last year.
Last Year (Current Quarter) The corresponding quarter to the current quarter in the last year.
Last Year (Current Quarter, Cumulative) All values from the beginning of time, up to and including the corresponding quarter to the current quarter in the last year.
Last Year Current Quarter -3 Three quarters prior to the corresponding quarter to the current quarter in the last year.
Last Year Current Quarter -3 (Cumulative) All values from the beginning of time, up to and including three quarters prior to the corresponding quarter to the current quarter in the last year.
Last Year Current Quarter -2 Two quarters prior to the corresponding quarter to the current quarter in the last year.
Last Year Current Quarter -2 (Cumulative) All values from the beginning of time, up to and including two quarters prior to the corresponding quarter to the current quarter in the last year.
Last Year (Last Period) The period prior to the current period, in the prior year.
Last Year (Last Period, Cumulative) All values from the beginning of time, up to and including the period prior to the current period, in the prior year.
Last Year (Last Quarter) The quarter prior to the current quarter, in the prior year.
Last Year (Last Quarter, Cumulative) All values from the beginning of time, up to and including the quarter prior to the current quarter, in the prior year.
Last Year to Date All values for the prior year up to and including the current period in the prior year.
Last Year to Date (Cumulative) All values from the beginning of time, up to and including all values for the prior year up to and including the current period in the prior year.