Financial Periods Fields

The Financial Periods dataset includes fields from the Period object in Accounting. The fields are:

Financial Periods Fields
Field Description
DaysInPeriod The number of days in the period. Calculation is: (PeriodEndDate - PeriodStartDate) +1. If it is a special period, the value will be 0.
FinancialPeriodEndDate The end date is composed of sub-datasets for: Year, Quarter, Month, Week, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, Epoch days, Epoch seconds.
FinancialPeriodStartDate The start date is composed of sub-datasets for: Year, Quarter, Month, Week, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, Epoch days, Epoch seconds.
PeriodStartDate The start date of the period.
PeriodYearEndProcessingDate Date the year end process was run.
PeriodYearEndMode The default processing mode for the year end process. For more information, see Year and Period Fields in Accounting.
PeriodYearStatus Status of the year, such as Open, Closing, Closed or Error. Set by the year end process in Accounting.
PeriodAP Indicates the financial period is closed to the Accounts Payable General Ledger Account group. The data for this field is derived from the Period object in Accounting.
PeriodAR Indicates the financial period is closed to the Accounts Receivable General Ledger Account group. The data for this field is derived from the Period object in Accounting.
PeriodCash Indicates the financial period is closed to the Cash General Ledger Account group. The data for this field is derived from the Period object in Accounting.
PeriodClosed Indicates the financial period is closed to all general ledger accounts. The data for this field is derived from the Period object in Accounting.