AR Cash Transaction Fields
Here is a description of the fields that make up an AR cash transaction.
Field | Description |
Apex Job ID | The ID of the cash entry creation, or cash matching, batch Apex job. |
AR Cash Transaction ID | A system-generated reference to identify the AR cash transaction. |
Bank Charges | Bank charges entered on the AR cash transaction at header level. |
Bank Lockbox | The bank lockbox used to import this AR cash transaction. |
Bank Lockbox Number | The bank lockbox's Number/Wire Transfer reference. |
Completed Lines Count | The number of AR cash transaction line items with the status "Complete". |
Currency | The currency of this AR cash transaction. |
Deposit Date | The deposit date of this AR cash transaction. |
Errored Line Count | The number of lines with errors. |
Line Charges Total | The total value of bank charges on the AR cash transaction line items. |
Line Count | The number of lines on this AR cash transaction. |
Matched Lines Count | The number of AR cash transaction line items with the status "Matched". |
Matching Date | The matching date of this AR cash transaction. |
Part Matched Lines Count | The number of AR cash transaction line items with the status "Part Matched". |
Status | The status of this AR cash transaction at header level: In Progress, Error, Imported, Cash Entry Error, Part Complete, Complete, Cash Matching Error, Part Matched, Matched. |
Total | The total value of this AR cash transaction. |
Validate Deposit Date | Indicates whether or not the Validate Deposit Date checkbox was enabled at the time of import. |
Document Type | Indicates whether a document is a Sales Invoice/Sales Credit Note or a Billing Document. |
Cash Entry Information
Field | Description |
Cash Entry Type |
Indicates whether cash entries are created for LBX Only, All Transactions, or all transactions grouped by type (Group By Type). The default is LBX Only. If required, your System Administrator can change the default by editing the AR Cash Transaction object and choosing the preferred default value for the Cash Entry Type picklist field. |
Number of Cash Entries | Indicates the number of cash entries created. |
Total of Cash Entries | Displays the sum total of cash entries. |
A lookup field is also available on the Cash Entry record in Accounting.
Cash Entry/Matching Process Status
Field | Description |
Batch Process | Unique identifier for the latest batch Apex job. This is a lookup to the Batch process record. The record is deleted automatically when the process completes successfully without errors. |
Batch Process Status | Status of the latest batch Apex job: Processing, Failed, or Aborted. Blank when the process completes successfully without errors. |
Cash Entry/Matching Progress Info | Graphical bar displaying the progress of the latest batch Apex job (for either cash entry or matching). |
AR Cash Transaction Line Item
Field | Description |
Amount | The value of this AR cash transaction line item. |
AR Cash Transaction | The AR cash transaction that this line item belongs to. |
Bank Lockbox Number | The bank lockbox's Number/Wire Transfer reference. |
Check Number | The check number associated with this AR cash transaction line item. |
CSV Line Number | The line number of this record in the CSV file. |
Deposit date | The deposit date. |
Discount Amount | A discount value that applies to the cash receipt. |
Line Item ID | A system-generated reference that uniquely identifies this AR cash transaction line item. |
Remitter | The person or business making this payment. |
Status | The status of this AR cash transaction line item: In Progress, Imported, Error, Complete, Part Matched, Matched. |
Type | The lockbox type, as imported from the CSV file. |
Write-off Amount | A write-off value that applies to the cash receipt. |
Document Type | The document type: Invoice, Credit Note, Receipt, Refund, BDReceipt, BDRefund. |
The fields in this section refer to the document that this AR cash transaction line item relates to.
Field | Description |
Account | The customer account on the sales document. This is derived from the document number, or from the account reference if document number is not available. |
Account reference | The account reference, as imported from the CSV file. |
Bank Charges Amount | A bank charge on this AR cash transaction line item. |
Document Amount | The available (unmatched) value of the sales document. |
Document Number (CRN/SIN) | The SIN or SCN number of the sales document. This is populated from the document reference (if supplied). |
Document Number (BD) | The billing document number. This is populated from the document reference (if supplied). |
Document Reference | The sales document reference, as imported from the CSV file. |
Has Reference | If a sales document with the Document Reference is found, this box is checked to indicate that a sales document associated with this AR cash transaction line item exists. |
Cash Entry
The fields in this section refer to the cash entry document (and its associated transaction) that this AR cash transaction line item can be found on. This section is blank if a cash entry has not yet been created for this AR cash transaction line item.
Field | Description |
Cash Entry | The cash entry document number. |
Cash Entry Line Item | The cash entry line item ID. |
Transaction Line Item | The transaction line item ID. |
The fields in this section relate to matching the cash entry document.
Field | Description |
Available Amount | The cash amount available for matching (as imported from the CSV file). This field cannot be edited manually; it is updated by the cash matching process. |
Available Discount Amount | The discount amount available for matching (as imported from the CSV file). This field cannot be edited manually; it is updated by the cash matching process. |
Available Write-off Amount | The write-off amount available for matching (as imported from the CSV file). This field cannot be edited manually; it is updated by the cash matching process. |
Matching Date | The matching date as specified at time of import. |