Option Type Fields

Option Types group the options available for a configurable item.

Key: * – Mandatory field; R – Read-only.

Field   Description
Option Type * Name of the option type.
Allow Multiple Options To Be Selected   Indicates whether you can select more than one option per option type
Product Group   The product group to which the option type is to be associated.
Item Master Record Types   Item master record type to which the option type is to be associated.
Minimum Required   Determines the minimum number of related options that you must choose when creating a customer quotation for the related item.
Maximum Allowed   Determines the maximum number of related options that you can choose when creating a customer quotation for the related item.

Option Fields

When an item is configurable, you can add options that appear on customer quotation lines for that item. Here is a description of the fields on an Option.

Field   Description
Active   Indicates whether the option is available for selection on a customer quotation.
Default Option   Indicates whether the option is selected by default when a customer quotation line is created
Description   Description of the option. If the option is associated with an item master, the description of that item is shown.
Option Item   Lookup to an item masterClosed The record of a product or a service which is to be sold and/or stocked in a warehouse. An item master might also be referred to as a Stock Keeping Unit (SKU). when one exists for the item.
Option Non Item   Name of the item. This field is used when the item does not exist as an item master in Order and Inventory Management
Option Non Item Description   Contains the description of the item when there is no item master set up for the item in the option.
Option Type   Option Type to which the option belongs.
Options Id   Id of the option.
Quantity per Parent   Number of the option to be included in each customer quotation line

Option Item Fields

Option Items are created when you convert a customer quotation to a sales invoice or a purchase order. Here is a description of the fields on an option item.

Field   Description
Option   Lookup to the option to which this record relates.
Parent Item   Item master record to which the item option belongs.
Active   Indicates whether the option is available for selection on a customer quotation.
Default Option   Indicates whether the option is selected by default when a customer quotation line is created
Description   Description of the option. If the option is associated with an item master, the description of that item is shown.
Option Item   Lookup to an item masterClosed The record of a product or a service which is to be sold and/or stocked in a warehouse. An item master might also be referred to as a Stock Keeping Unit (SKU). when one exists for the item.
Option Non Item   Name of the item. This field is used when the item does not exist as an item master in Order and Inventory Management
Option Non Item Description   Contains the description of the item when there is no item master set up for the item in the option.
Option Type   Option Type to which the option belongs.
Options Id   Id of the option.
Quantity per Parent   Number of the option to be included in each customer quotation line