AP Voucher Line Field Sets

The AP Voucher Line object includes the following field sets.




Default Fields

AP Voucher Credit Selection Used on the vfCreditAPVoucher Visualforce page that displays when crediting an AP voucher. vfCreditAPVoucher Visualforce page AP Voucher Line Name
Quantity Ordered
Quantity Received
Quantity Vouchered
Purchase Order Line Item
Unit Price
Unit PPV
Extended PPV

AP Voucher Line Item Fields

Defines the fields that appear in the AP Voucher Line Items grid on the AP Voucher Lightning page.

AP Voucher Lightning Page

AP Voucher Line Name

Line Type



Quantity Ordered

Quantity Received

Quantity Vouchered

AP Voucher Selection Used on the APLines Visualforce page that displays after selecting purchase order lines. APLines Visualforce page AP Voucher Line Name
Quantity Ordered
Quantity Vouchered
Quantity Received
Purchase Order Line Item
Unit Price
Extended Price
Unit PPV
Extended PPV