Read Data Maps

Use the <ob_map_value> tag in conjuntion with the <ob_map_create> tag to read the data map you created and present it to your business users. The <ob_map_value> tag must be nested within <output_list> tags.


<ob_map_value map_name="My Map Name" map_by="api_field_name_1,api_field_name_2" map_field="Field Name" format="Formatting Instructions" aggregate_function="Calculation"/>


  • My Map Name is the name you gave the map when you created it using the <ob_map_create> tag.
  • api_field_name_1,api_field_name_2 is a comma-separated list of fields on the record that is referenced by the enclosing <output_list> tags. See sample code for an example.
  • Field Name is the name of the field to retrieve.
  • Formatting Instructions is the number format that you wish to apply to the mapped field.
  • Calculation is the aggregate function output to retrieve.

The <ob_map_value> tag must be nested within <output_list> tags.

Sample Code

<output_list object="Account" relation="" order_by="Name">
<td> <ol_field name="name"/></td>
<td><ob_map_value map_name="acctVal" map_by="id" map_field="Amount" format="decimalpoint:.;decimals:2;separator:,;" aggregate_function="sum"/></td>
<td><ob_map_value map_name="acctVal" map_by="id" map_field="Amount" format="decimalpoint:.;decimals:2;separator:,;" aggregate_function="min"/></td>
<td><ob_map_value map_name="acctVal" map_by="id" map_field="Amount" format="decimalpoint:.;decimals:2;separator:,;" aggregate_function="max"/></td>
<td><ob_map_value map_name="acctVal" map_by="id" map_field="Amount" format="decimalpoint:.;decimals:2;separator:,;" aggregate_function="avg"/></td>
<td><ob_map_value map_name="acctVal" map_by="id" map_field="Amount" format="decimalpoint:.;decimals:2;separator:,;" aggregate_function="cnt"/></td>
<td><ob_map_value map_name="acctVal" map_by="id" map_field="ExpectedRevenue" format="decimalpoint:.;decimals:2;separator:,;" aggregate_function="sum"/></td>