Customizing Your Own Page Layouts

If you decide to use your own page layouts, rather than using the predefined page layouts included in PSA – Accounting Connector, you must manually add the relevant fields and buttons.

The following table lists only the recommended fields that you might want to add to your page layouts. For a full list of fields and their descriptions, see the related field reference topic for the specific object.

Key: V – Only applicable to VAT companies; E – Only applicable when the integration is running in enhanced modeClosed When PSA – Accounting Connector runs in enhanced mode, it uses the improved mechanism introduced starting with Spring 2021. This includes better flow execution performance and a modern user experience. Enhanced mode is enabled when the Run Integration in Enhanced Mode field in the PSA – Accounting Connector Settings custom setting is selected..

Recommended Fields to Add to Page Layouts


Billing Event   Account
  Allow Delete Without Validation
E Automatically Pass to Accounting
  Billing Event Currency
Billing Event Item   Services Product
  Unit Price - Credit
Expense   Expense GLA Code
  Net Value
  Net Value - Credit
  Reimbursement Tax
  Reimbursement Tax - Credit
  Services Product
Expense Report E Automatically Pass to Accounting
  Expense GLA Code
  Expense Reimbursement Account
  Expense Report Currency
  Passed to Accounting
  Services Product
Integration Rule Log Line Item   Expense
  Expense Report
  Journal Line Item
  Miscellaneous Adjustment
  Payable Credit Note Expense Line Item
  Payable Invoice Expense Line Item
  Vendor Invoice
  Vendor Invoice Item
Journal   Miscellaneous Adjustment
Journal Line Item   Analysis 1
  Analysis 2
  Analysis 3
  Analysis 4
E Automatically Pass to Accounting
  Journal Currency
  Journal Date
  Miscellaneous Adjustment Name
  Passed to PSA
  Send to PSA
  Transaction Category
Miscellaneous Adjustment E Automatically Pass to Accounting
  Balancing Amount
  Balancing GLA Code
  Eligible for Journal
  Journal Line Item
  Miscellaneous Adjustment Currency
  Miscellaneous Adjustment GLA Code
  Passed To Accounting
  Payable Credit Note Expense Line Item
  Payable Invoice Expense Line Item
  Services Product
Payable Credit Note   Analysis 1
  Analysis 2
  Analysis 3
  Analysis 4
  Expense Report
  Expense Report Resource
  Vendor Invoice
Payable Credit Note Expense Line Item   Analysis 1
  Analysis 2
  Analysis 3
  Analysis 4
E Automatically Pass to Accounting
  Credit Note Currency
  Credit Note Date
  Gross Value
  Miscellaneous Adjustment Name
  Passed to PSA
  Transaction Category
  Vendor Invoice Item
Payable Invoice   Analysis 1
  Analysis 2
  Analysis 3
  Analysis 4
  Expense Report
  Expense Report Resource
  Vendor Invoice
Payable Invoice Expense Line Item Layout   Analysis 1
  Analysis 2
  Analysis 3
  Analysis 4
E Automatically Pass to Accounting
  Gross Value
  Invoice Currency
  Invoice Date
  Miscellaneous Adjustment Name
  Passed to PSA
  Transaction Category
  Vendor Invoice Item
Sales Credit Note   Analysis 1
  Analysis 2
  Analysis 3
  Analysis 4
  Billing Event
Sales Credit Note Line Item   Analysis 1
  Analysis 2
  Analysis 3
  Analysis 4
  Billing Event Item
Sales Invoice   Analysis 1
  Analysis 2
  Analysis 3
  Analysis 4
  Billing Event
Sales Invoice Line Item   Analysis 1
  Analysis 2
  Analysis 3
  Analysis 4
  Billing Event Item
Transaction Line Item   Analysis 1
  Analysis 2
  Analysis 3
  Analysis 4
Vendor Invoice E Automatically Pass to Accounting
  Passed to Accounting
  Vendor Invoice Currency
Vendor Invoice Item V Calculate Tax Value From Rate
V Derive Tax Rate From Code
  GLA Code
V Input VAT Code
V Net Value
V Net Value - Credit
V Set Tax Code To Default
V Tax Rate
V Tax Value
V Tax Value - Credit