Resource Optimizer Lightning Component Properties

This table lists the fields available in the properties pane in Lightning App Builder for the Resource Optimizer Lightning component.


O - Obsolete




Default Value

Custom Columns Field Set   Select a field set to display custom columns in the Resource Optimizer data table. --None-- displays no custom fields.


DEPRECATED: Show Contact Card Popup O If selected the Contact Card popup is displayed when clicking a matched resource in the table. Deselected
Contact Card Custom Fields Field Set   Select a field set to display custom fields in the PSA Contact Card component. --None-- displays no custom fields. None
Contact Card Show Resource Requests   If selected, resource requests are displayed in the PSA Contact Card component. Selected
Contact Card Show Scheduled Time in Hours   If selected, a resource's scheduled time is displayed in hours in the PSA Contact Card component. Deselected
Contact Card Show Logged Hours   If selected, logged hours are displayed on the Contact Card component. Deselected
Contact Card: Field Set for Resource Requests   Select a field set to display information about held Resource Requests in the PSA Contact Card component. --None-- displays no information. None
Contact Card: Field Set for Assignments   Select a field set to display information about Assignments in the PSA Contact Card component. --None-- displays no information. None
Hover Details Field Set for Resource Requests   Select a field set to display custom fields when hovering over a resource request. --None-- displays the default fields. None
Hover Details Field Set for Assignments   Select a field set to display custom fields when hovering over an assignment. --None-- displays the default fields. None
Show Settings   If selected, shows the settings panel indicated by on the Resource Optimizer component. Selected