Troubleshooting Matching Utilization Calculations

Discrepancies can occur between the data displayed by your comparison lenses for a variety of reasons. Common sources of differences in the data displayed by your lenses are described below.

Scheduled Exceptions

The Schedule Exception object in PSA contains the field Default Exception Hours Per Day. This field enables a user to enter the default number of hours to use if no value is given for an individual day. For example, if this value is 2 and no value for Monday Hours is supplied, the number of hours for Monday will be treated as 2. The user-specified default value is recognized by Utilization Details, but not by Utilization Results.

For example, if you do not supply a value for Monday hours, Utilization Details interprets the value for this field as zero, and no calendar hours for that day are recorded. In this case, a user's work calendar might state that they worked for nine hours on Monday, but according to the interpretation of the Scheduled Exception by Utilization Details, the user's associated Assignment will be for zero hours.