PSA Lenses

The lenses included in PS Cloud Analytics are:


Lens Name



Budget Milestone Comparison by Project

Enables you to:

  • View projects and their budget and milestone values to date.
  • Review whether milestone total by project exceeds budget total by project.
Project Reporting
Project Timecard and Expense Submissions by Resource

Enables you to:

  • View the timecards and hours submitted by resources for a selected period for projects.
  • View the value of expenses submitted by resources for a selected period for projects.
Project Reporting
Project Timecard and Expense Submission Approvals by Resource

Enables you to:

  • View timecard and expense submission approvals by resource for projects.
Project Reporting
Assets Added in Summer 2023
Lens Name Description Dataset
Project Task Allocated and Estimated Hours

Enables you to view:

  • Project Task Estimated hours, and Allocation hours from Project Task Assignment.
  • Actual Hours from Task Time per project, milestone and project task.
Project Reporting
Task Time Actual Hours and Revenue/Cost per Project Task

Enables you to view:

  • Project Task Assignment Allocation hours and Task Time Actual Hours.
  • Corresponding cost and revenue broken down per project, milestone, project task and for each resource.
Task Time Actual Hours per Day by Project Task and Resource

Enables you to view:

  • Daily Task Time Actual Hours for each resource broken down per project, milestone and project task.
  • Timecard submitted by resource for associated project task.