Project Task Fields

The Project Task object is included in PSA. For a description of the fields included in PSA, see Project Task Fields.

The following fields are available if you are using the PSA Direct for Jira.



Jira Correlation ID  

Key of the linked Jira issue. Automatically populated after the project task is synced with a Jira issue, or after Jira issue is synced with the project task.


You must not edit this field unless you are manually correlating the project task with an existing Jira issue.

Jira Issue Type Category *

Indicates whether the issue type the project task will be created as in Jira is a standard issue or a sub-task issue type.


Only applicable if you are syncing PSA project tasks with Jira issue.

Jira Issue Type *

Type of issue the project task is created as in Jira. This picklist depends on the Jira Issue Type Category picklist. You can add custom issue types to the picklist. The values are case-sensitive and must exist in your Jira application. After adding values, you must also update the dependency with Jira Issue Type Category.


Only applicable if you are syncing PSA project tasks with Jira issue.

Jira Parent Task   Represents the parent in Jira. You can add your Jira Parent Task to the lookup. After adding, the Jira Parent Task automatically gets updated in the Jira Child Issues section in the Related List.
Sync with Jira  

Determines if the project is eligible for syncing with Jira.


Only applicable if you are syncing PSA project tasks with Jira issue.