Viewing PSA Direct for Jira Error Messages

If errors occur in the PSA Direct for Jira when synchronizing data between PSA and Jira, Foundations stores error messages to help you identify and resolve the issues.

To view PSA Direct for Jira error messages:

  • From All Tabs, click Message Types.
  • Click the name of the Jira message type.
  • In the Messages related list, select the relevant error record. Error details are contained in the Body field.

PSA Direct for Jira error messages contain the following information:

  • Message Type: Jira
  • Publisher: PSA Direct for Jira/Error
  • Status: Errors

For more information about messages and message logs, see Messages.

An email containing error details is also sent. The recipient of the email is determined as follows:

  • If an error occurs while syncing work logs to timecards or task time records, the email is sent to the PSA resource linked to the Jira user who logged the time. However, if the Email field on the PSA resource is blank, the email is sent to the address defined in the Email field on the PSA Direct for Jira Settings tab.
  • If an error occurs during any of the following features, the email is sent to the PSA user who created or updated the record.
    • Sync Projects from PSA to Issues in Jira
    • Sync Projects from PSA to Projects in Jira
    • Sync Project Tasks from PSA to Issues in Jira
    • Sync Resources from PSA to Users in Jira
  • In all other cases, the email is sent to the address defined in the Email field in the PSA Direct for Jira Settings tab.