Calculation Rules Fields

Here is a description of the fields (in alphabetical order) that make up calculation rules.

Note: All the calculation rule fields are the field that are listed on the Calculation Rules page and it is not a custom object.

Key: * – Mandatory field

Source Filter

Source Filter Fields
Field Name   Description
Description   Description for a calculation rule.
Dimension 1 - 4 Filter   A filter for Dimension 1 - 4 Filter analytic.
Period   Indicates the period for the calculation rule. The calculation rule only affects the budget lines for the selected period. A month, a year, or a period from the period set.
Source Account(s) Filter   The calculation rule only affects the budget lines with the selected account.
Title * Unique title for a calculation rule.


Dependencies Fields
Field Name   Description
Maximum   The maximum amount for the calculation rule. The rule is not applied if the source budget line amount is greater.
Minimum   The minimum amount for the calculation rule. If the source budget line amount is lesser, then the rule is not applied.

The coefficient of the current rule for calculation result budget line amounts.

For example, you can add 1000, increase by 15% or multiply by 1.5 each cell in a result budget line depending on your needs.


The calculation relation between source amount and calculation rule rate.

For example, relations are:

  • Add
  • Multiply
  • Percent
Reverse   When enabled, the budget line amount is multiplied by -1.
Type *

Type of mode for calculation rule. Currently, the calculation rule works in “Simple” mode.

In simple mode, each calculation rule must have one result budget line from one source budget line.

The number of source budget lines is the same as the result budget lines.


Result Fields
Field Name   Description
Apply source Account   When enabled, the result budget line the account from its source budget line.
Apply source Dimension 1 - 4   When enabled, the resulting budget line gets the Dimension 1 - 4 analytic from its source budget line.
Dimension 1 - 4   A result budget line gets a specified Dimension 1 - 4 analytic from BP_FF1 drop-down.
Fixed Maximum   The fixed maximum amount for the calculation rule. The amount in the result budget line cannot be greater than the maximum specified amount.
Fixed Minimum   The fixed minimum amount for the calculation rule. The amount in the result budget line cannot be less than the minimum specified amount.
Fixed Rate * The fixed rate for the calculation rule. The specified amount is used in a result budget line.
Result Account   A result budget line gets a specified account from the Result Account drop-down.
Result Line  

The result line name of the budget for which the calculation rule is applied.

  • When the Result Line field is empty, the result line title in the budget is set as the title rule defined in the budget template.
  • When the name is specified in the Result Line field, the result line title in the budget is set with the new specified value.


Folder Fields
Field Name   Description
Folder   The list of allowed expense accounts.


Calculation Rules Buttons
Button Name Description
Clone Creates a copy of the calculation rule.
New Creates a calculation rule.
Save Saves the calculation rule record.