Revenue Management Historic Currency Exchange Rates

This Feature Console page updates the standard page layouts for the Recognition Transaction Line and Recognition Settings objects to support the use of historic currency exchange rates when recognizing revenue and cost. See Using Historic Currency Exchange Rates for Recognition for more information about this functionality.


You only need to enable this feature if you are upgrading from a version of Revenue Management earlier than Spring 2019.

Work through the steps in the order shown.

  1. Click Perform for each feature step in turn. When a step has completed, its Status changes from "Not Done" to "Done".
  2. When you have completed all the steps, use the Status slider in the Feature section to enable the feature.

Upgrades Only: Page Layout Changes

The page layout changes that Feature Console performs automatically are only applied to the standard page layouts provided by Certinia. If you are using custom page layouts for the Recognition Transaction Line and Recognition Settings objects, you must add the fields to your custom page layouts manually. For a list of the new fields, see the Revenue Management Getting Started guide for Spring 2019.