Payable Invoice Line Items
In this topic you must choose your edition of our application. If you are unsure, contact your administrator.
The Expense Lines and Product Lines sections of a payable invoice are where you specify the items (expenses and products) that you want to include on the document.
See Payable Invoice Fields for a description of the fields that make up a payable invoice line item.

This section describes how to add lines to a payable invoice in Lightning Experience.
Adding New Expense Lines
To add new expense lines:
- On the payable invoice record page, click the Expense Lines tab.
- If the expense lines grid shows an empty row, enter a general ledger account or the Local GLA whichever is applicable for that first row. Select it from the drop-down list once it displays. If you need to add a new row, click
and enter the general ledger account or the Local GLA whichever is applicable.
- Enter the net value for the expense line. This value must not include any tax or be modified by any settlement discount.
- [Optional] Complete the remaining fields as required. For details of other fields, see Payable Invoice Fields.
- [Optional] Continue adding more lines as required.
- Click Save.
Adding New Product Lines
To add new product lines:
- On the payable invoice record page, click the Product Lines tab.
- If the product lines grid shows an empty row, enter the product for that first row. Select it from the drop-down list once it displays. If you need to add a new row, click
and then enter the product.
- Enter a quantity.
- Enter the unit price. If you leave this field blank, it will be automatically populated with the list price on the price book associated with the product after saving.
- [Optional] Complete the remaining fields as required. For details of other fields, see Payable Invoice Fields.
- [Optional] Continue adding more lines as required.
- Click Save.
Cloning Lines
To clone lines:
- Select the checkboxes of the lines you want to clone.
- Click
above the grid.
- [Optional] Modify the cloned lines as required.
- Click Save.
Deleting Lines
To delete lines:
- Select the checkboxes of the lines you want to delete.
- Click
above the grid.
- Click Save.
Editing Lines
You can edit expense and product lines while the document's status is "In Progress".
To edit existing lines:
- In the grid, change the fields for the lines you want to update as required.
- Click Save.
Amending Lines after Posting
Once you have posted the document and its status is "Complete", you can only amend (add, edit or delete) the following fields of your expense and product lines:
- Line Description
- Dimensions 1-4
To amend expense or product lines:
- In the grid, change any of the fields listed above for the lines that you want to amend.
- Click Save.
Non-amendable fields will show a lock icon when hovering over them.
Recording a Reverse Charge
This feature only applies to VAT/GST companies.
If you want to record a reverse charge on a product or expense line:
- Select the Reverse Charge checkbox on the product or expense line.
- Enter the appropriate output tax code and output tax value.
Creating Miscellaneous Adjustments in PSA
If PSA – Accounting Connector is installed in your org, you can create PSA miscellaneous adjustments from eligible expense lines. You can only do this after the payable invoice has been posted.
To create miscellaneous adjustments, select expense lines in the grid and click Create Miscellaneous Adjustments. For more information, see Creating Miscellaneous Adjustments from Expense Lines on a Payable Invoice.

When a vendor has been specified, the account currency is displayed and you can add line items to the document. You can change this currency up until the time that you add your first expense or product line item.
Adding New Expense Lines
The tax code for an expense line is retrieved from the vendor's tax information.
- To add a new expense line item to a payable document, either click
Default Line to create an expense line using the vendor's default expense account, or select an appropriate GLA from the picklist, then click
New Line.
- [Optional] You may be able to select a local GLA depending how your system administrator has configured your org.
- Enter the net value for the expense line. This should not include any tax nor be modified by any settlement discount.
- [Optional, VAT/GST only] Change the default tax code for the expense line, or click
Edit Tax Value to manually enter the amount of tax for an expense line.
- [Optional, Combined Tax only] Enter the parent tax code in the Combined Tax Code field, then click the expander icon next to the Tax Rate field to view the tax breakdown for the related child tax codes.
- [Optional] Select the Prepaid Expense checkbox to set this as a Prepaid Expense Line. If the checkbox is selected you must complete the Date From and Date To fields for the expense line.
Adding New Product Lines
The tax code for a product line is retrieved from the product if the vendor's tax status is home, otherwise the tax code is retrieved from the vendor's tax information.
- Enter a full or partial product name, or click the lookup icon to search for a valid product, then click
New Line. If the specified product is found, a new line is created with a default quantity of 1.00 and a unit price of zero.
- Enter the Unit Price and Quantity as required.
- [Optional, VAT/GST only] Change the default tax code for the product line, or click
Edit Tax Value to manually enter the amount of tax for a product line.
- [Optional, Combined Tax only] Enter the parent tax code in the Combined Tax Code field, then click the expander icon next to the Tax Rate field to view the tax breakdown for the related child tax codes.
The tax values for expense and product lines are calculated using the tax calculation method Method used by the account to calculate taxes in VAT or GST mode. for the vendor account specified on the document.
Adding Further Analysis, a Line Description, and Intercompany Details
To add up to four analysis dimensions Custom objects that allow you to analyze the activity in your business in additional ways, such as by cost center, project, employee, or any other business entity important to you., a line description and intercompany details on a line:
- Click the expander icon
next to the line number to display an expander panel
Panels that are initially hidden when the page is loaded. They allow you to enter, and subsequently view, additional attributes of the related field or line item, such as further analysis or a line description..
- Specify up to four custom analysis dimensions to attach to this line. Use the lookup icons to search for
an appropriate dimension record. Any custom fields that have been set up for sub-analysis mapping
Mapping of custom fields at header and line level for the purpose of profitability reporting. at line level are displayed immediately below the Dimension analysis fields.
- [Optional] Type a line description.
- Set the date range for the selected line.
- [Optional] Specify a destination company if the selected line is an intercompany line. If you don't want to recharge the line's full amount to the destination company, change the Destination Net Value on an expense line, or the Destination Unit Price and Destination Quantity on a product line, to the preferred amounts. Any unallocated amount will remain with the source company.
- When complete, click the expander icon, or choose another line, to hide the current panel.
Modifying Tax on an Expense or Product Line
The Tax Summary section is automatically updated each time a line item is modified.
Recording a Reverse Charge
This feature only applies to VAT/GST companies.
If you want to record a reverse charge on a product or expense line:
- Click the Reverse Charge checkbox on the product or expense line.
- Enter the appropriate output tax code and output tax value.
Removing Lines
To remove an existing line item, either click the Remove Line icon on the right-hand side of the relevant line or Del on the left-hand side depending on your view of the application.

This section describes how to add lines to a payable invoice in Extended Edition.
Adding New Expense Lines
The tax code for an expense line is retrieved from the vendor's tax information. The tax values for expense and product lines are calculated using the tax calculation method Method used by the account to calculate taxes in VAT or GST mode. for the vendor account specified on the document.
There are two ways to add new expense lines to a payable invoice:
- Using the New Payable Invoice Expense Line Item button.
- Using the Manage Expense Lines button.
To add a new line item using the New Payable Invoice Expense Line Item button:
- Display the detail page for the "In Progress" payable invoice that you want to add expense lines to.
- Scroll down to the Payable Invoice Expense Line Items section.
- Click New Payable Invoice Expense Line Item.
- [Optional] You may be able to select a local GLA depending how your system administrator has configured your org.
- [Optional] Deselect the Derive Line Number checkbox and enter a custom line number. If you leave this checkbox selected, the next available line number is allocated.
- [Optional] Deselect the Set GLA To Default checkbox and enter a general ledger account
The general ledger will normally include general ledger accounts (GLAs) for items such as income, expenses, assets, liabilities, and reserves.. If you have a local GLA and neither GLA is selected, the local GLA is populated by default. If you leave this checkbox selected, the default general ledger account is used. You see an error message if this checkbox is not selected, and the Local GLA and General Ledger Account fields are empty. You must select one of them.
- [Optional] Enter a line description.
- Enter the net value for the expense line. This should not include any tax nor be modified by any settlement discount.
- [Optional] Deselect the appropriate checkboxes in the Tax sections to override the default tax codes and rates for this line.
- [Optional] Specify up to four analysis dimensions
Custom objects that allow you to analyze the activity in your business in additional ways, such as by cost center, project, employee, or any other business entity important to you. to attach to this line.
- [Optional] Specify a destination company if you are entering an intercompany line. If you don't want to recharge the line's full amount to the destination company, change the Destination Net Value to the preferred amount. Any unallocated amount will remain with the source company.
- Click Save to save the line item. You can also click Save & New to save the changes to the current line item and begin to create another.
To add a new line item using the Manage Expense Lines button:
- Display the detail page for the "In Progress" sales invoice that you want to add lines to.
- Click Manage Expense Lines.
- Add an expense line.
- [Optional] Click Add New Line to add another line and repeat.
- When you are finished, click Save.
Adding New Product Lines
The tax code for a product line is retrieved from the product if the vendor's tax status is home, otherwise the tax code is retrieved from the vendor's tax information.
There are two ways to add new product lines to a payable invoice:
- Using the New Payable Invoice Line Item button.
- Using the Manage Product Lines button.
To add a new line item using the New Payable Invoice Line Item button:
- Display the detail page for the "In Progress" payable invoice that you want to add product lines to.
- Scroll down to the Payable Invoice Line Items section.
- Click New Payable Invoice Line Item.
- [Optional] Deselect the Derive Line Number checkbox and enter a custom line number. If you leave this checkbox selected, the next available line number is allocated.
- Enter a full or partial product name and/or click the lookup icon to search for a valid product.
- [Optional] Enter a line description.
- [Optional] Deselect the Derive Unit Price from Product checkbox to override the derived unit price.
- [Optional] Change the quantity from its default value of 1.00.
- [Optional] Deselect the appropriate checkboxes in the Tax sections to override the default tax codes and rates for this line.
- [Optional] Specify up to four analysis dimensions
Custom objects that allow you to analyze the activity in your business in additional ways, such as by cost center, project, employee, or any other business entity important to you. to attach to this line.
- [Optional] Specify a destination company if you are entering an intercompany line. If you don't want to recharge the line's full amount to the destination company, change the Destination Unit Price and Destination Quantity to the preferred amounts. Any unallocated amount will remain with the source company.
- Click Save to save the line item. You can also click Save & New to save the changes to the current line item and begin to create another.
To add a new line item using the Manage Product Lines button:
- Display the detail page for the "In Progress" sales invoice that you want to add lines to.
- Click Manage Product Lines.
- Enter a full or partial product name and/or click the lookup icon to search for a valid product.
- [Optional] Enter a line description.
- [Optional] Change the quantity from its default value of 1.00.
- [Optional] Edit the unit price.
- [Optional] Edit the default tax details.
- [Optional] Complete any Destination fields if this is an intercompany line.
- [Optional] Click Add New Line to add another line and repeat.
- When you are finished, click Save.
See the section on data entry grids in Entering and Editing Data for more information.
Recording a Reverse Charge
This feature only applies to VAT/GST companies.
If you want to record a reverse charge on a product or expense line:
- Click the Reverse Charge checkbox on the product or expense line.
- Enter the appropriate output tax code and output tax value.
Removing Lines
To remove an existing line item, either click the Remove Line icon on the right-hand side of the relevant line or Del on the left-hand side depending on your view of the application.