Creating Accounting Playbook Task Templates

Accounting playbook task templates are used to generate tasks automatically for the accounting playbooks generated from existing accounting playbook template.

Note: To create and edit accounting playbook task templates, and select and manage approvers, you must have the Accounting - Playbook Owner permission set assigned. For more information, contact your administrator. 

To create an accounting playbook task template:

  1. From the App Launcher, navigate to Accounting Playbook Task Templates.
  2. Click New. The New Accounting Playbook Task Template window displays.
  3. Enter the name for the accounting playbook task template.
  4. [Optional] Enter the description.
  5. Specify the accounting playbook template. The accounting playbook generated from the selected playbook template will be associated with the task template.
  6. [Optional] Specify the assignee for the task template.
  7. Enter the number of days in the Calculate Due Date field to calculate the due date for the task generated from the task template. The due date of the generated task is calculated by counting the number of days in the Calculate Due Date field from the period end date of the accounting playbook. For example, if the selected playbook's period end date is June 30, 2023 and the value in the Calculate Due Date field is 3, the due date calculated for the generated task is July 3, 2023.
  8. [Optional] In the Links and Notes section:
    1. In the App Location 1 and App Location 2 fields, enter the links of apps to perform tasks generated from this task template. For example, provide a link to the Automated Elimination page to perform automated eliminations.
    2. In the Report Location 1 and Report Location 2 fields, enter the links to reports that will be used to perform the task generated from this task template.
    3. In the Note 1 and Note 2 fields, enter any important notes for the assignee to perform the generated task.
  9. Click Save. The accounting playbook task template related to the selected accounting playbook template is created.
  • Ensure that the value in the Calculate Due Date field is less than the difference between the Calculate Start Date and the Calculate Due Date field values of the playbook.
  • By default, App Location 1 and 2 fields are visible. If required, you can display App Location 1 - 5 fields.
  • By default, Notes 1 and 2 fields are visible. If required, you can display Notes 1 - 5 fields.
  • By default, Report Location 1 and 2 fields are visible. If required, you can display Report Location 1 - 10 fields.

You can also create one or more accounting playbook task templates from the Accounting Playbook Template related list.

To do so:

  1. From the App Launcher, navigate to Accounting Playbook Templates.
  2. Click the accounting playbook template record in the list.
  3. Click the Related tab. In the Accounting Playbook Task Templates section, click New
  4. Fill in the details and click Save.

You can also view the accounting playbook task template history in the Related tab.

In the Details tab, the Exclude Weekends and the Exclude Public Holidays checkboxes display as selected or deselected depending on the state of these fields in the specified accounting playbook template. Both these fields are not editable here.

In the Approvers tab, playbook owners can select approvers for the task generated from the task template. For more information, see Approving Playbook Tasks

You can hide the Approvers component and the Approvers tab by deselecting the Enable Task Approval Feature custom setting checkbox in Playbook Settings.