Activating and Configuring Lightning Record Pages for Documents

Accounting contains Lightning record pages that provide your users with a modern user experience and enable them to perform their daily tasks in a streamlined way.

The pages are composed of reusable Lightning components. This means that you can use these components to create customized record pages. You can also clone the managed pages and tailor them specifically for your user profiles. For more information about Lightning record pages and the Lightning App Builder, see the Salesforce Help.

The following Lightning record pages for Accounting documents are available in Winter 2024:

  • Cash Entry Lightning Page
  • Payable Credit Note Lightning Page
  • Payable Invoice Lightning Page
  • Sales Credit Note Lightning Page
  • Sales Invoice Lightning Page

Activating Lightning Record Pages

To enable your users to view, create, and edit documents using the Lightning pages, you must first set the pages as the org default and restore the action overrides. You can do this using the Feature Console. For more information, see Assigning Lightning Record Pages and In-App Guidance.

Alternatively, if you prefer to create custom Lightning pages and use those, see the Salesforce Help for more information.

Customizing the Line Item Grids

Each document object contains a Lightning component that is used to display a grid with the document's line items. The components are added to the managed Lightning pages by default. If required, you can add the components to your custom record pages.

The columns displayed in a grid are determined by a field set for the relevant line item object. In some cases, the field set used by the grid varies depending on the tax mode of the document's Accounting company. The following table provides more information about the components available and the field set used in the grid.

Document Line Item Grid Components


Line Item Grid Component

Line Item Object

Field Set Used in the Grid

Cash Entry Accounting Cash Entry Lines Panel Cash Entry Line Item Manage Cash Entry Lines
Payable Credit Note Accounting Payable Credit Note Expense Lines Panel Payable Credit Note Expense Line Item Manage Expense Lines (Combined)
Accounting Payable Credit Note Product Lines Panel Payable Credit Note Line Item Manage Product Lines (Combined)
Payable Invoice Accounting Payable Invoice Expense Lines Panel Payable Invoice Expense Line Item Manage Expense Lines (Combined)
Accounting Payable Invoice Product Lines Panel Payable Invoice Line Item Manage Product Lines (Combined)
Sales Credit Note Accounting Sales Credit Note Lines Panel Sales Credit Note Line Item

Depending on the company's tax mode:

  • Manage Lines (COMB)
  • Manage Lines (SUT)
  • Manage Lines (VAT/GST)
Sales Invoice Accounting Sales Invoice Lines Panel Sales Invoice Line Item

Depending on the company's tax mode:

  • Manage Lines (Combined Tax)
  • Manage Lines (SUT)
  • Manage Lines (VAT/GST)
  • The Required field in the field set configuration does not control whether a field is required within a grid.
  • When localization is enabled in your org, you must ensure that both the Override Product GLA and the Override Product Local GLA fields are available in the relevant field sets. Depending on user settings, the grid displays only the relevant column for each user. This applies to the Sales Invoice Line Item and Sales Credit Note Line Item objects. For more information, see Localization.
  • By default, Dimension 1-4 fields are not editable after a document is posted. You can change this by selecting the Enable Edit Dimensions (after posting) custom setting field. Similarly, you can allow your users to edit custom fields that have been set up for sub-analysis mapping by selecting the Enable Edit Sub-Analysis (after posting) custom setting field.