Metrics Intermediate Processing Fields

After importing the input fields from the different sources and joining them together, the Metrics recipe filters out non-relevant or repeated records, creates calculated fields, and removes temporary fields required for calculations. You can access the recipe from the Data Manager Lightning app in your org. This enables you to view all the recipe nodes and see a preview of the data at each stage of the recipe using Salesforce's Data Prep feature. For more information about the Data Prep feature, see the Salesforce Help.

Warning: We recommend that you never modify the Metrics recipe. This might cause dashboards, lenses, and other recipes to stop working. In addition, any changes that you make to a recipe are lost when you upgrade or reconfigure the app.

Value Health Points Calculation

Value health points contribute to the calculation of an account's overall health score. They dictate how many of the available 100 health score points each metric contributes to an account's health score on a given date.

The value health point field is calculated using the following fields:

  • Lower Threshold
  • Upper Threshold
  • Threshold Difference
  • Weighting
  • Value

The way the value health points are calculated is different depending on the field values listed above, but is as follows:

  • When Value is equal to or less than Lower Threshold, no value health points are awarded.
  • When Value is between the lower and upper thresholds, then the value health points are determined in proportion to the weighting corresponding to the Value's place between the upper and lower thresholds. The following calculation determines the value health points awarded: Weighting * ( Value - Lower Threshold) / Threshold Difference.
    • For example: The Lower Threshold is 10, the Upper Threshold is 20, the Weighting is 50, and the Value is 12. The value is 20% between the lower and upper thresholds, and therefore 20% of the weighting is awarded, so the total value health points awarded is 10.
  • When Value is equal to or exceeds the upper threshold, then the number of points awarded is equal to the value in the Weighting field.

In cases where the goal is to minimize the value, such as open support cases, the Lower Threshold value is greater than the Upper Threshold value. If this applies, then the value health points are calculated as above, with the exception of switching the Lower Threshold and Upper Threshold logic.

For example: The Lower Threshold is 20, the Upper Threshold is 10, the Weighting is 50, and the Value is 12. The value is 80% between the lower and upper thresholds, and therefore 80% of the weighting is awarded, so the total value health points awarded is 40.


This is the filter node from the Metrics recipe that relates to the dataset.

Filter Nodes Related to the Metrics Dataset

Filter Node

RemoveDuplicates_FILTER Removes all but the most recent customer success metric account value records when more than one is present for a given date.

Calculated Fields

These are the fields calculated by the Metrics recipe.

Calculated Fields Created for the Metrics Dataset

Field Label

Field API Name Description
Date Date The date taken from the Date field on the customer success metric account value record, or the projected date for dates which have no associated record. See the Value field description for more information about how this is calculated.
ThresholdDifference ThresholdDifference Calculated as follows: upperThreshold - lowerThreshold. Used in the ValueHealthPoints calculation. See the Value Health Points Calculation section above for further details.
Value Value

Taken from the Value field on the customer success metric account value record when a record is available for the given date. When a record is not available for the given date, the value from the most recent customer success metric account value record prior to the given date is used.

When more than one record exists for a given date, the most recent of those values is used.

ValueHealthPoints ValueHealthPoints

Calculated according to the following fields:

  • Lower Threshold
  • Upper Threshold
  • Threshold Difference
  • Weighting
  • Value

See the Value Health Points Calculation section above for further details.