

You must have Conga Composer, and Conga Batch installed in your org, and listed in your Installed Packages. Certinia recommend you are using the latest version of these products. For more information, see Upgrading Conga Products

For the Conga Connector for Accounting you also need:

  • Certinia Accounting V13.2 or above
  • Microsoft Word to edit Conga templates

For the Conga Connector for Billing Documents you also need:

  • Certinia ERP V4.0 or above
  • Certinia Billing Central V2.1 or above

Installing the Solution Pack

To install the Certinia Conga Connector, follow the steps for installing managed packages described in the Salesforce Help. The Certinia Conga Connector installation package is available for download from the Certinia Community website (under App Info - Additional applications - AppExchange packages).

If you are using Conga templates to create sales invoice or billing document attachments for reminders in Accounting, you must create the required Conga Batch formula fields.

Once the package is installed:

  1. In Setup | Build | Installed Packages, find the Conga Connector and click Configure. The Conga Solution Extractor page lists the Conga Solutions that are available.
  2. Click Extract Non-Linked Conga Templates above the solutions list. A Success message displays.
  3. Make sure that all the checkboxes are selected and click Extract Conga Solutions below the solutions list. A list of solutions displays.
  4. Click Add Remote Site to add the remote site that Salesforce provides. A new tab opens displaying the Remote Site Edit information. Click Save then close this tab.
  5. Back on the Conga Solution Extractor page, ensure that you have a maximum of 10 solutions selected and click Create Conga Composer Buttons at the bottom of the page. A Success message displays a list of the buttons that are created and the Update Buttons section is updated. Repeat this step if you need to create more than 10 buttons.
  6. [Optional] To update the buttons created by Conga, select up to 10 buttons and click Update Conga Composer Buttons.
  7. [Optional] To create the required Conga Batch formula fields on the Sales Invoice and Billing Document objects, click Create Conga Batch Formula Fields. A success message displays.

For information about setting up the Conga Connector for Accounting, see Setting up Conga Connector for Accounting.

For information about setting up the Conga Connector for Billing Documents, see Setting up Conga Connector for Billing Documents.

Note: Notepad

When using Conga Connector with either Accounting or Billing Documents, if a document contains a number with more than 15 digits, the digits after 15 are displayed as zero.

Convert Non-OAuth Buttons to OAuth

If you have created buttons created by earlier versions of Conga Composer Solutions, they do not work in Salesforce Lightning. If your Salesforce org uses Lightning, or you are considering switching to Lightning, log in to the Conga Documentation site and search "Convert Non-OAuth Buttons to OAuth" for instructions on how to convert buttons so that they that work in Salesforce Lightning.