Deprecated Elements

Here you can find a summary of the elements deprecated in Fixed Asset Management over time.

Unless these elements contain data that your org relies on, we recommend that you do the following:

  • In the case of deprecated elements, remove them from your layouts or restrict their access
  • In the case of removed elements, remove them from your org

Any custom code or programs still referencing or using the deprecated elements will continue to work until they have been fully removed from the applicable Certinia packages.

If you have not already investigated alternative solutions, contact Certinia Customer Support.


Integrations Deprecated in Fixed Asset Management
Integration Name Deprecated Version Removed Version Replaced By Further Information
Fixed Asset Management to Accounting Journals Integration Summer 2023 Spring 2024 or later Accounting Integration Enabling Accounting Integration

Visualforce Actions

Visualforce Actions Deprecated in Fixed Asset Management
Action Name Object Label Deprecated Version Removed Version Replaced By Further Information
DEPRECATED: Submit Assets for Approval Fixed Asset Winter 2024 Winter 2025 or later Submit Assets for Approval Fixed Asset Fields