Financial Transactions Output Fields

The Financial Transactions dataset includes fields from the Transaction and Transaction Line objects in Accounting. The fields are:

Key: H - Hidden field

Financial Transactions Fields





Measures Account Outstanding Value   The outstanding value of the account in the currency of the account. See the Transaction object.
Account Value   The value of the account in the currency of the account. See the Transaction object.
As Of Age Value   The value of the account aged in the currency of the account. See the Transaction object.
As Of Dual Value   The value of the account aged in dual currency. See the Transaction object.
As Of Home Value   The value of the account aged in home currency. See the Transaction object.
Bank Account Value   The value of the bank account in the currency of the bank account. See the Transaction Line object.
Cash Flow Adjustment (s)   The value of the Reclassify Profits object in the Reporting Balances object, if it exists, or the related value of the General Ledger Account object. See the Reporting Balances object.
Cash Flow Line Summary (s)   The value of the Cash Flow Line Summary object in the Reporting Balances object, if it exists, or the related value of the General Ledger Account object. See the Reporting Balances object.
Days between Period Close and Transaction Date   The number of days between the period end date and the transaction date.
Days Overdue   The number of days since the due date. See the Transaction Line Item object.
Dimension 1 Value   The value of Dimension 1 in the Dimension 1 currency. See the Transaction Line object.
Dimension 2 Value   The value of Dimension 2 in the Dimension 2 currency. See the Transaction Line object.
Dimension 3 Value   The value of Dimension 3 in the Dimension 3 currency. See the Transaction Line object.
Dimension 4 Value   The value of Dimension 4 in the Dimension 4 currency. See the Transaction Line object.
Discount Account Value 1 — 4   The discount value of the account information of the Line Transaction object in Accounting.
Discount Document Value 1 — 4   The discount value of the document information of the Line Transaction object in Accounting.
Document Outstanding Value   The unmatched portion of the transaction in the currency of the document. See the Transaction Line object.
Document Rate   The exchange rate between the document and home values. See the Transaction Line object.
Document Tax Total   The value of the transaction that is taxed in the currency of the document on the transaction.
Document Tax Value 1   The value of tax relating to tax code 1 in the currency of the document on the transaction line. See the Transaction Line object.
Document Tax Value 2   The value of tax relating to tax code 2 in the currency of the document on the transaction line. See the Transaction Line object.
Document Tax Value 3   The value of tax relating to tax code 3 in the currency of the document on the transaction line. See the Transaction Line object.
Document Taxable Value   The value of the transaction that is taxable in the currency of the document on the transaction.
Dual Cr Value   The credit value in dual currency.
Dual Cr Value (s)   The credit value in dual currency, but with the signage reversed.
Dual Dr Value   The debit value in dual currency.
Dual Dr Value (s)   The outstanding amount in the dual currency.
Dual Dr Value (s)   The debit value in dual currency, but with the signage reversed.
Dual Rate   The exchange rate between the dual and home Transaction Line objects.
Dual Value   The total value in dual currency. See the Transaction object.
Dual Value (s)   The value in dual currency, but with the signage reversed. Sales are shown as positive values rather than negative values.
Fixed Asset Cost   Purchase cost or transfer cost of the item. This is used as the starting value and to calculate the Quantity of Usefulness. The data for this field is from the Asset Cost field in Fixed Asset Management.
General Ledger Account Value   The value of the general ledger account. See the General Ledger Account object.
Home Cr Value   The credit value in your home currency.
Home Cr Value (s)   The credit value in your home currency, but with the signage reversed.
Home Dr Value   The debit value in your home currency.
Home Dr Value (s)   The credit value in your home currency, but with the signage reversed.
Home Outstanding Value   The outstanding amount in the home currency.
Home Tax Total   The value of the transaction that is taxed in the home currency on the transaction.
Home Tax Value 1   The value of tax relating to tax code 1 in the home currency on the transaction line. See the Transaction Line object.
Home Tax Value 2   The value of tax relating to tax code 2 in the home currency on the transaction line. See the Transaction Line object.
Home Tax Value 3   The value of tax relating to tax code 3 in the home currency on the transaction line. See the Transaction Line object.
Home Taxable Value   The value of the transaction that is taxable in the home currency on the transaction.
Home Value   The total value in your home currency.
Home Value (s)   The total value in your home currency, but with the signage reversed. Sales are shown as positive values rather than negative values.
Home Value Tax Rate   The tax rate applied to your home currency. The data for this field is from the Transaction Line Item object in Accounting.
Local GLA Value   The total value of the line in the local GLA currency, if this transaction is to be posted in both a corporate GLA and a related local GLA to enable reporting to more than one statutory body.
Number of Days in Period   The number of days in the period. Calculation is: (PeriodEndDate - PeriodStartDate) +1. If it is a special period, the value will be 0.
Period Close Group Number  

The number of the group the transaction belongs to. Calculated from the resulting value of Days between Period Close and Transaction Date as follows:

  • If the value is 5 or less, the value is 0.
  • If the value is 32 or more, the value is 32.
  • If the value is between 6 and 31 (both included), this value is directly displayed.

Days between Period Close and Transaction Date = 17

Period Close Group Name = 17

Reporting Value   The total value in your reporting currency.
Reporting Outstanding Value   The outstanding amount in the reporting currency.
Reporting Rate   The conversion rate between the home currency and the reporting currency.
Transaction Line Number   The number of the line. See the Transaction Line Item object.
Reporting Period (s)   The number of the reporting period, stored as a number.
Reporting Year (s)   The year use for reporting, stored as a number.
Reporting Year and Period (s)   The year and period use for reporting, appended and stored as a number.
Dates As of Date   The as of aging date. See the Transaction Line object.
Date Canceled   The date when the related payment was canceled, associated with the transaction line item.
Due Date   The due date for the transaction. See the Transaction object.
Financial Period End Date   The end date of the period in which the transaction or balance occurs.
Financial Period Start Date   The start date of the period.
Financial Year End Date   The last day of the financial year.
Financial Year End Processing Date   The date the year end process was run.
Financial Year Start Date   First day of the first period of this financial year.
Fixed Asset Date in Service   Date on which the asset was first used. The data for this field is from the Date In Service field in Fixed Asset Management.
Last Customer Statement Date   The last customer statement date associated with the transaction line item.
Last Reminder Date   The date that the last reminder was sent for the transaction line item.
Statement Date   The statement date of the bank reconciliation.
Transaction Created Date   The date the document is posted and a transaction is created. The data for this field is from the Transaction Date object in Accounting.
Transaction Date   The transaction date. See the Transaction object.
Transaction Reconciliation Date   The date copied from the originating document, such as the invoice or cash entry date.


Account Bank Acc. Number   The number of the bank account.
Account Bank Account Name   The bank account name. The data for this field is from the Account object in Accounting.
Account Bank Account Sort Code   The bank account sort code. The data for this field is from the Account object in Accounting.
Account Bank SWIFT Number   The society for World-wide Inter-bank Funds Transfer number.
Account Billing Postal Code   The postal code associated with this account.
Account Billing Street   The billing street associated with this account.
Account Contact Email   The email address of the contact for the account in Accounting.
Account Contact Fax   The fax number of the contact for the account in Accounting.
Account Contact First Name   The first name of the contact for the account in Accounting.
Account Contact Last Name   The last name of the contact for the account in Accounting.
Account Contact Mobile Phone   The mobile phone number of the contact for the account in Accounting.
Account Contact Phone   The phone number of the contact for the account in Accounting.
Account Contact Salutation   The title of the contact for the account in Accounting. For example, Mr, Mrs, Miss.
Account Currency   The currency of the account. See the Account object.
Account Fax   The fax number associated with this account.
Account Finance Contact   The contact associated with this account to which mass email messages, such as remittances and reminder letters, are sent. 
Account ID   The identification number of the account.
Account Industry   The industry sector to which the account belongs.
Account Name   The name of the account.
Account Name (Bank Account)   The name by which the account is known at the bank.
Account Number   The number associated with the account object.
Account Owner Name   The name of the user assigned as the owner of an account.
Account Payable/Receivable Type  

The field will contain the following values based on the type of account:

  • Customer/Vendor: both AP and AR fields are populated.
  • Customer: only AR field is populated.
  • Vendor: only AP field is populated.
  • Other: AP and AR fields are not populated.
Account Phone   Telephone number associated with this account.
Account Receivable Control Reporting Code   The general ledger account reporting code for the account in Accounting.
Account Tax Country Code   The code for the European Union country in which this account is based.
Account Tax Registration Number   Identifying number used for tax purposes.
Account Type   The type of account.
Account Website   The website associated with this account.
Accounting Book ID   The identification number of the accounting book.
Accounting Book Name   The name of the accounting book.
Allocation   The lookup to the allocation process that created this transaction (if appropriate).
As Of Age Band   The as of aging band in which the transaction falls. See the Transaction Line object.
As of Name   The as of aging name. See the Transaction Line object.
Balance Type   The type of balance record. Actual is the default type. See the Reporting Balances object.
Bank Account Bank Name   The name of the bank that the bank account belongs to.
Bank Account City   The city address line for the bank account.
Bank Account Country   The country address line for the bank account.
Bank Account Currency   The currency of the bank account. See the Bank Account object.
Bank Account Currency ID   The system identification number corresponding to the accounting currency.
Bank Account Currency Name   The ISO code of the accounting currency associated with the bank account.
Bank Account IBAN Number   The IBAN number associated with the bank account.
Bank Account ID   The identification number of the bank account.
Bank Account Name   The name of the bank account.
Bank Account Number   The number of the bank account.
Bank Account Reporting Code   The reporting code associated with the bank account.
Bank Account Sort Code   The SORT code associated with the bank account.
Bank Account State/Province   The state or province address line for the bank account.
Bank Account Street   The street address line for the bank account.
Bank Account SWIFT Number   The SWIFT number associated with the bank account.
Bank Account Zip/Postal Code   The ZIP code or postal code associated with the bank account.
Bank Reconciliation ID   The identification number of the bank reconciliation. See the Transaction Line object.
Bank Reconciliation Status   The status of the bank reconciliation. See the Transaction Line object.
Cash Entry Type   The type of transaction related to the cash entry record in Accounting.
Cash Flow Category (s)   The category of the cashflow. See the Reporting Balances object.
Chart of Accounts Structure ID   The identification number of the chart of accounts structure associated with the general ledger account.
Chart of Accounts Structure Name   The name of the chart of accounts structure associated with the general ledger account.
Collections On Hold   If selected, indicates that the account is placed on hold for collections. For more information, see the Account Fields in Accounting.
Collections On Hold Reason  

Indicates the reason why the account is on hold. The values are:

  • Account in dispute
  • Invoice in dispute
  • Other
Company Bank Account Analysis Reporting Code   Reporting code of the bank account Bank Analysis GLA, used to populate the company in Accounting.
Company Bank Account Currency   Currency of the bank account, used to populate the company in Accounting.
Company Bank Account Name   Account name of the bank account, used to populate the company in Accounting.
Company Bank Account Number   Account number of the bank account, used to populate the company in Accounting.
Company Bank Account Sort Code   Sort code of the bank account, used to populate the company in Accounting.
Company Bank Account Swift Number   Swift number of the bank account, used to populate the company in Accounting.
Company Email   Contact email, used to populate the company in Accounting.
Company Fax   Contact fax number, used to populate the company in Accounting.
Company Name   The name of the company. See the Company object.
Company Phone   Contact phone number, used to populate the company in Accounting.
Company Postal Code   The postal code portion of company address.
Company State/Province   State or province portion of company address.
Company Street   The street address of the company.
Company Tax Registration Country   The code for the European Union country in which this company operates.
Company Website   Website address, used to populate the company in Accounting.
Currency Revaluation Name   The name of the currency revaluation.
Deployed Department   Department at which the asset is deployed. The data for this field is from the Deployed Department field in Fixed Asset Management.
Dimension 1   The name of the dimension 1. See the Dimension 1 object.
Dimension 1 Currency   The currency of dimension 1. See the Dimension 1 object.
Dimension 1 Reporting Code   Reporting code for dimension 1. The data for this field is from the Dimension 1 object in Accounting.
Dimension 1 Type   Code used to identify the dimension 1 type. The data for this field is from the Dimension 1 object in Accounting.
Dimension 1 Type Description   Description of the dimension 1 type. The data for this field is from the Dimension 1 object in Accounting..
Dimension 2   The name of the dimension 2. See the Dimension 2 object.
Dimension 2 Currency   The currency of dimension 2. See the Dimension 2 object.
Dimension 2 Reporting Code   Reporting code for dimension 2. The data for this field is from the Dimension 2 object in Accounting.

Dimension 2 Type

  Code used to identify the dimension 2 type. The data for this field is from the Dimension 2 object in Accounting.
Dimension 2 Type Description   Description of the dimension 2 type. The data for this field is from the Dimension 2 object in Accounting.
Dimension 3   The name of the dimension 3. See the Dimension 3 object.
Dimension 3 Currency   The currency of dimension 3. See the Dimension 3 object.
Dimension 3 Reporting Code   Reporting code for dimension 3. The data for this field is from the Dimension 3 object in Accounting.
Dimension 3 Type   Code used to identify the dimension 3 type. The data for this field is from the Dimension 3 object in Accounting.
Dimension 3 Type Description   Description of the dimension 3 type.The data for this field is from the Dimension 3 object in Accounting.
Dimension 4   The name of the dimension 4. See the Dimension 4 object.
Dimension 4 Currency   The currency of dimension 4. See the Dimension 4 object.
Dimension 4 Reporting Code   Reporting code for dimension 4. The data for this field is from the Dimension 4 object in Accounting.
Dimension 4 Type   Code used to identify the dimension 4 type. The data for this field is from the Dimension 4 object in Accounting.
Dimension 4 Type Description   Description of the dimension 4 type. The data for this field is from the Dimension 4 object in Accounting.
Document Currency   The ISO code for the document currency.
Document Type   The type of document. The data for this field is from the Type field in the Journal object in Accounting.
Dual Currency   The ISO code for the dual currency.
Expense   The identification number of the expense. See the Transaction Line object.
Expense Line GLA   The general ledger account for the expense line.
Financial Period   The number of the period, stored as a string.
Financial Period (s)   The number of the period, stored as a number.
Financial Period Description   The description of this accounting period.
Financial Period Is AP   Indicates the financial period is closed to the Accounts Payable General Ledger Account group. The data for this field is derived from the Period object in Accounting.
Financial Period Is AR   Indicates the financial period is closed to the Accounts Receivable General Ledger Account group. The data for this field is derived from the Period object in Accounting.
Financial Period Is Cash   Indicates the financial period is closed to the Cash General Ledger Account group. The data for this field is derived from the Period object in Accounting.
Financial Period Is Final Close   Indicates the financial period is closed to all general ledger accounts. The data for this field is derived from the Period object in Accounting.
Financial Period Name   The period of the transaction.
Financial Special Period (s)   A checkbox indicating if the period is a special period. Special periods are 000 (Opening Period), 100 (Adjustment Period), 101 (Closing Period).
Financial Year   The name of the year and period associated with the transaction or balance.
Financial Year (s)   The number of the year and period associated with the transaction or balance.
Financial Year and Period (s)   The name of the year and number of the period represented by a number.
Financial Year and Period (s)   The name of the year and number of the period represented by a string.
Financial Year End Mode   The default processing mode for the year end process. For more information, see Year and Period Fields in Accounting.
Financial Year Status   Status of the year, such as Open, Closing, Closed or Error. Set by the year end process in Accounting.
Financial Year/Period (s) H The year followed by the period. For example, 2019/01.
Fixed Asset Description   Description of the asset and what it's for. The data for this field is from the Asset Description field in Fixed Asset Management.
Fixed Asset Group   Group to which the asset belongs. The data for this field is from the Asset Group field in Fixed Asset Management.
Fixed Asset Manufacturer   Name of the company who manufactured the asset. The data for this field is from the Manufacturer field in Fixed Asset Management.
Fixed Asset Manufacturer Serial Number   Serial number assigned to this asset by the manufacturer. The data for this field is from the Manufacturer Serial Number field in Fixed Asset Management.
Fixed Asset Name   Unique name of the fixed asset. The data for this field is from the Fixed Assets Name field in Fixed Asset Management.
Fixed Asset Status   Indicates the status of the asset. The data for this field is from the Status field in Fixed Asset Management. For more information, see Fixed Assets.
Fixed Asset Sub-Group   Secondary group to which the asset belongs. The data for this field is from the Asset Sub-Group field in Fixed Asset Management.
General Ledger Account Code   The code of the general ledger account, if applicable. See the General Ledger Account object.
General Ledger Account ID   The identification number of the general ledger account.
General Ledger Account Name   The name of the general ledger account. See the General Ledger Account object.
General Ledger Account Name (s)   The name of the general ledger account without its code prefix. See the General Ledger Account object.
General Ledger Account Type   The type of general ledger account. For example, Balance Sheet or Income Statement. See the GLA object.
Home Currency   The ISO code for the home currency.
Income Tax Type   The type of income tax. See the Transaction Line object.
Intercompany Transfer ID   The identification number of the intercompany transaction record associated with the transaction line item.
Intercompany Transfer Name   The lookup to the intercompany transfer record associated with the transaction line item.
Intersect Definition (s)   The definition of the intersect. Full is the default definition for Actuals. See the Intersect Definition object.
Intersect Definition Core Accounting Code   The details of the intersect definition object associated with the record. For more information, see the Intersect Definition Object in Accounting.
Intersect Definition Dimension X   The details of the intersect definition object associated with the record. For more information, see the Intersect Definition Object in Accounting.
Intersect Definition Entity   The details of the intersect definition object associated with the record. For more information, see the Intersect Definition Object in Accounting.
Intersect Definition GLA   The details of the intersect definition object associated with the record. For more information, see the Intersect Definition Object in Accounting.
Intersect Definition Local GLA   The details of the intersect definition object associated with the record.
Is Output VAT Tax   This indicates whether the tax line is from an input tax code or output tax code.
Journal Collection   The journal bank account collections. Line items where the home value equals or is greater than 0, and the Exclude from Cash Flow checkbox in Accounting is deselected.
Journal Payment   The journal bank account payments. Line items where the home value is less than 0, and the Exclude from Cash Flow checkbox in Accounting is deselected.
Last Modified By  

The user who last edited the audit file. The data for this field is from the Transaction object in Accounting.

Last Modified Date   The date the last user modified the audit file. The data for this field is from the Transaction object in Accounting.
Level 01 Company   Hierarchy level for the company within the consolidation structure.  
Level 02 Company   Hierarchy level for the company within the consolidation structure.  
Level 03 Company   Hierarchy level for the company within the consolidation structure.  
Level 04 Company   Hierarchy level for the company within the consolidation structure.  
Level 05 Company   Hierarchy level for the company within the consolidation structure.  
Level 06 Company   Hierarchy level for the company within the consolidation structure.  
Level 07 Company   Hierarchy level for the company within the consolidation structure.  
Level 08 Company   Hierarchy level for the company within the consolidation structure.  
Level 09 Company   Hierarchy level for the company within the consolidation structure.  
Level 10 Company   Hierarchy level for the company within the consolidation structure.  
Level 11 Company   Hierarchy level for the company within the consolidation structure.  
Level 12 Company   Hierarchy level for the company within the consolidation structure.  
Level 13 Company   Hierarchy level for the company within the consolidation structure.  
Level 14 Company   Hierarchy level for the company within the consolidation structure.  
Level 15 Company   Hierarchy level for the company within the consolidation structure.  
Level 16 Company   Hierarchy level for the company within the consolidation structure.  
Level 17 Company   Hierarchy level for the company within the consolidation structure.  
Level 18 Company   Hierarchy level for the company within the consolidation structure.  
Level 19 Company   Hierarchy level for the company within the consolidation structure.  
Level 20 Company   Hierarchy level for the company within the consolidation structure.  
Line Reference   The line reference of the transaction. See the Transaction Line object.
Line Type   The type of line. See the Transaction Line object.
Local GLA   The related local GLA, if this transaction is to be posted in both a corporate GLA and a related local GLA to enable reporting to more than one statutory body.
Local GLA Currency   The currency recorded on the related local GLA, if this transaction is to be posted in both a corporate GLA and a related local GLA to enable reporting to more than one statutory body.
Matching Status   The matching status of the transaction. See the Transaction Line object.
Original Account ID   The identification code of the original account. See the Account object.
Parent Account ID   The identification number of the parent account record.
Parent Account Name   The name of the parent account.
Period Close Group Name  

The name of the group the transaction belongs to. Calculated from the resulting value of Days between Period Close and Transaction Date as follows:

  • If the value is 5 or less, the value is 05 Days or Less.
  • If the value is 32 or more, the value is 32 Days or More.
  • If the value is between 6 and 31 (both inclusive), the value is XX Days.

Days between Period Close and Transaction Date = 7

Period Close Group Name = 07 Days

Primary Accounting Book   The name of the accounting book selected as the primary book for the org. This is defined by the primary book field in the accounting book object in Accounting.
Product Family   The category specified for the product.
Product ID   The identification number of the product.
Product Name   The name of the product. See the standard product object.

The periods are calculated as follows:

  • Q1: < = 3
  • Q2: 4 - 6
  • Q3: 7 - 9
  • Q4: > = 10

Period 100 and 101 have their own quarter, [100] and [101] respectively.

Reporting Currency   The currency ISO code for the reporting currency.
Reporting Year / Period   The year and period use for reporting, stored in a date format.
Reverse Charge Tax Code ID   The identification number of the tax code used to calculate reverse charge tax on this transaction line.
Reverse Charge Tax Code Is Parent   A checkbox in Accounting. When selected, indicates that the reverse charge tax code is a rollup of two child tax codes.
Reverse Charge Tax Code Tax Group   The reverse charge tax group used to enable grouping on reports.
Reverse Transaction ID   The ID number of the reverse transaction record.
Reverse Transaction Name   The name of the reversed transaction record.
Reverse Transaction Reason   This is a text field that describes the reason for the transaction reversal. For more information, see Reversing an Allocation Transaction in the Accounting Help.
Severity   The severity level of the last reminder sent for the invoice.
SIC Code   The standard industrial classification code (SIC) associated with the record. This is a unique code used to classify industry areas.
SIC Description   This field is related to the SIC Code, it provides a short description of the code. For example, "Computer Processing and Data Preparation and Processing Services" for SIC 7374.
Standard Account ID   Standard Account ID used to map between the customized chart of accounts and the standard chart of accounts. The data for this field is from the General Ledger Account object in Accounting.
Standard Tax Code ID   The ID or code of the tax. The data for this field is from the Accounting Tax Code object in Accounting.
Tax Code 1   The tax code 1 name for the transaction.
Tax Code 1 Description   The description of the tax code, such as Boston City Tax .
Tax Code 2   The tax code 2 name for the transaction.
Tax Code 2 Description   The description of the tax code, such as Boston City Tax .
Tax Code 3   The tax code 3 name for the transaction.
Tax Code 3 Description   The description of the tax code, such as Boston City Tax .
Tax Code X Is Parent   A checkbox in Accounting. When selected, indicates that the tax code is a rollup of two child tax codes.
Tax Code X Tax Group   The dax group used to enable grouping on reports.
Tax Group   The tax group name for the transaction.
Transaction Archive Set ID   The ID of the archive set related to the transaction.
Transaction Archive Set Name   The name of the archive set related to the transaction.
Transaction Created By   The name and surname of the person who created the transaction. The data for this field is from the Transaction object in Accounting.
Transaction Document Description   The header description of the transaction. See the Transaction object.
Transaction Document Number   The transaction document number. See the Transaction object.
Transaction ID   The identification number of the transaction.
Transaction Line Description   The line description of the transaction. See the Transaction Line object.
Transaction Line ID H The ID of the transaction line.
Transaction Line Item Archive Set ID   The ID of the archive set related to the transaction line item.
Transaction Line Item Archive Set Name   The name of the archive set related to the transaction line item.
Transaction Line Name   The number of the transaction line. See the Transaction Line object.
Transaction Name   The name of the transaction. See the Transaction object.
Transaction Reconciliation Status   The status of the transaction reconciliation record: "Reconciling", "In Progress", or "Error".
Transaction Type   The type of transaction. See the Transaction object.
Trial Balance 1   The name of the trial balance 1. See the General Ledger Account object.
Trial Balance 2   The name of the trial balance 2. See the General Ledger Account object.
Trial Balance 3   The name of the trial balance 3. See the General Ledger Account object.
Trial Balance 4   The name of the trial balance 4. See the General Ledger Account object.
Version   The version associated with the transaction line item.
TB1 Order   Used to sort the data in the same order as the picklist values in the GLA object. If you update or add a value from this picklist, in the App you must click Reconfigure to apply changes to the dashboard.
TB2 Order   Used to sort the data in the same order as the picklist values in the GLA object. If you update or add a value from this picklist, in the App you must click Reconfigure to apply changes to the dashboard.
TB3 Order   Used to sort the data in the same order as the picklist values in the GLA object. If you update or add a value from this picklist, in the App you must click Reconfigure to apply changes to the dashboard.
TB4 Order   Used to sort the data in the same order as the picklist values in the GLA object. If you update or add a value from this picklist, in the App you must click Reconfigure to apply changes to the dashboard.
Reporting Period   The number of the reporting period, stored as a string.
Reporting Year   The year use for reporting, stored as a string.
Reporting Year and Period   The year and period use for reporting, appended and stored as a string.