Setting up Avalara AvaTax with Order and Inventory Management – Accounting Connector

If you use Avalara to calculate taxes, you must ensure that taxes are calculated for Order and Inventory Management documents before they are exported to Accounting. This is because:

  • Order and Inventory Management enables you to calculate taxes for invoice line items that have different destination addresses from the invoice itself.
  • Accounting does not provide support for calculating consumer use tax for payable invoices.

If tax calculation using Avalara is enabled in Order and Inventory Management, it must be disabled for the Accounting company.

Order Fulfillment Setup

You can streamline and automate the process of calculating and committing taxes for Order and Inventory Management invoices and credit invoices. This can reduce the number of manual actions and user errors. The sections below provide more information about the available options.

Calculating Tax

You can configure the process of calculating tax for OIM invoices to best suit your business needs. The table below provides the most common scenarios.


Although the scenarios focus on OIM invoices, similar options are available for credit invoices.

Streamlined Tax Calculation Scenarios for OIM Invoices
Scenario Further Information
Tax is automatically calculated when a shipment is complete. OIM Tax Calculation Settings Fields
Tax is automatically calculated based on custom criteria.
When you click the Create Sales Invoice button from the Invoicing record page, you can select the Calculate Tax checkbox to calculate tax while creating the sales invoice. Enable Tax Calculation from the Record Page
Tax is automatically calculated when you click the Create from OIM Invoices button from the Sales Invoices list view. Enable Tax Calculation from the List View
Tax is automatically calculated as part of a scheduled job that creates sales invoices from all eligible invoices. Automatically Calculate Tax in the Scheduled Job

Committing Tax

If you also use Avalara to file tax returns, you can schedule background jobs to commit tax. This ensures that tax is committed to Avalara for OIM invoices and credit invoices that are linked to completed sales invoices and sales credit notes.

You can schedule the jobs from the OIM – Accounting Connector Admin page. The relevant jobs are:

  • Commit Tax to Avalara for OIM Invoices
  • Commit Tax to Avalara for Credit Invoices

For more information, see Managing Scheduled Jobs.

Alternatively, you can automate committing tax when custom criteria are met. For more information, see OIM Tax Calculation Settings Fields.

Procurement Setup

Order and Inventory Management – Accounting Connector does not include additional options for calculating and committing tax for AP vouchers and AP voucher credits. However, you can use the options available in Order and Inventory Management. These include:

  • Automatically calculating tax when matching an AP voucher.
  • Automatically calculating tax when crediting or voiding an AP voucher.
  • Automatically calculating tax for an AP voucher or an AP voucher credit based on custom criteria.
  • Automatically committing tax for an AP voucher or an AP voucher credit based on custom criteria.

For more information, see OIM Tax Calculation Settings Fields.