OIM – Accounting Connector Settings Fields

Here is a description of the fields available in the OIM – Accounting Connector Settings custom setting.


You can edit all the custom setting fields from the OIM – Accounting Connector Admin page. We do not recommend that you edit them from Setup. For more information, see OIM – Accounting Connector Admin Page.

Fields Available on the OIM – Accounting Connector Settings Custom Setting
Field Description Flow
APV Auto Post Payable Invoice

If selected, when a payable invoice is created from an AP voucher, it is automatically posted in Accounting.

This is deselected by default.

AP Vouchers to Payable Invoices
APV Create PIN Custom Criteria Field

The API name of the field on the AP Voucher object used to determine whether a payable invoice is automatically created from the AP voucher once it becomes eligible. The field is only used when APV Create PIN When Matching is deselected. This must be a checkbox or a formula checkbox field. For more information, see Setting up Automatic Document Creation.

This is blank by default.

AP Vouchers to Payable Invoices
APV Create PIN When Matching

If selected, payable invoices are automatically created when matching AP vouchers. For more information, see Setting up Automatic Document Creation.

This is deselected by default.

AP Vouchers to Payable Invoices
APV Payable Invoice Line Limit

The maximum number of lines to create on a single payable invoice. If the number of AP voucher lines exceeds this number, additional payable invoices are created.

The default value is 1000.

AP Vouchers to Payable Invoices
APV Use Custom Mappings

If selected, Foundations mappings are used when creating payable invoices from AP vouchers.

This is selected by default.

AP Vouchers to Payable Invoices
APV Validate While Matching

When selected, the fields on AP voucher lines required for the integration are validated. If the fields fail the validation, you cannot match the AP voucher.

When deselected, AP vouchers can be matched even if the required fields are not valid.

This applies to the following fields on the AP Voucher Line object:

  • General Ledger Account
  • Item
  • Product

This is deselected by default.

AP Vouchers to Payable Invoices
APVC Auto Post Payable Credit Note

If selected, when a payable credit note is created from an AP voucher credit, it is automatically posted in Accounting.

This is deselected by default.

AP Voucher Credits to Payable Credit Notes
APVC Create PCN Custom Criteria Field

The API name of the field on the AP Voucher Credit object used to determine whether a payable credit note is automatically created from the AP voucher credit once it becomes eligible. The field is only used when APVC Create PCN When Crediting is deselected. This must be a checkbox or a formula checkbox field. For more information, see Setting up Automatic Document Creation.

This is blank by default.

AP Voucher Credits to Payable Credit Notes
APVC Create PCN When Crediting

If selected, when you void or credit an exported AP voucher, a payable credit note is automatically created from the newly created AP voucher credit.

This is deselected by default.

AP Voucher Credits to Payable Credit Notes
APVC Payable Credit Note Line Limit

The maximum number of lines to create on a single payable credit note. If the number of AP voucher line credits exceeds this number, additional payable credit notes are created.

The default value is 1000.

AP Voucher Credits to Payable Credit Notes
APVC Use Custom Mappings

If selected, Foundations mappings are used when creating payable credit notes from AP vouchers credit.

This is selected by default.

AP Voucher Credits to Payable Credit Notes
Check for Duplicate Suppliers

Reserved for future use.


Create COGS Journals for DS Acct Items

If selected, cost of goods sold inventory transactions are created from invoice line items that originated from accounting AP voucher lines in drop ship scenarios. This enables you to create journals in Accounting that represent certain charges as cost of goods sold, for example freight charges.

This can be useful if freight charges are not known until the AP voucher is recorded. After creating accounting line for freight on the AP voucher and then receiving the AP voucher, Order and Inventory Management automatically creates a new line item on the sales order. When you bill the sales order, you can include the freight charges as a line on the invoice. With this option enabled, the connector creates an additional inventory transaction perpetual record that classifies the freight charges as cost of goods sold. The connector can then create a journal for this inventory transaction.

This is deselected by default.

OIM Invoices to Sales Invoices

Inventory Transactions to Journals
CRINV Auto Post Sales Credit Note

If selected, when a sales credit note is created from a credit invoice, it is automatically posted in Accounting.

This is deselected by default.

Credit Invoices to Sales Credit Notes
CRINV Calculate Tax from the List View

If selected, tax is auto-calculated using Avalara when you click the Create from Credit Invoices button on the Sales Credit Notes list view. Tax is calculated before the sales credit notes are created and the tax credit invoice lines are exported to Accounting.

This is deselected by default.


This is applicable only when tax calculation using Avalara is enabled. For more information, see Setting up External Tax Calculation using Avalara AvaTax.

Credit Invoices to Sales Credit Notes
CRINV Calculate Tax from the Record Page

If selected, when you click the Create Sales Credit Note on the Credit Invoice record page, the Calculate Tax checkbox displays. This enables you to calculate tax for the credit invoice using Avalara before the sales credit note is created.

This is deselected by default.


This is applicable only when tax calculation using Avalara is enabled. For more information, see Setting up External Tax Calculation using Avalara AvaTax.

Credit Invoices to Sales Credit Notes
CRINV Calculate Tax in the Scheduled Job

If selected, tax is auto-calculated for credit invoices using Avalara as part of the Create Sales Credit Notes from Credit Invoices scheduled job.

This is deselected by default.


This is applicable only when tax calculation using Avalara is enabled. For more information, see Setting up External Tax Calculation using Avalara AvaTax.

Credit Invoices to Sales Credit Notes
CRINV Create SCN Custom Criteria Field

The API name of the field on the Credit Invoice object used to determine whether a sales credit note is automatically created from the credit invoice once it becomes eligible. This must be a checkbox or a formula checkbox field. For more information, see Setting up Automatic Document Creation.

This is blank by default.

Credit Invoices to Sales Credit Notes
CRINV Create SCN When Crediting

If selected, when you void or credit an invoice, a sales credit note is automatically created from the newly created credit invoice.

This is deselected by default.

Credit Invoices to Sales Credit Notes
CRINV Sales Credit Note Line Limit

The maximum number of lines to create on a single sales credit note. If the number of credit invoice lines exceeds this number, additional sales credit notes are created.

The default value is 900.

Credit Invoices to Sales Credit Notes
CRINV Use Custom Mappings

If selected, Foundations mappings are used when creating sales credit notes from credit invoices.

This is selected by default.

Credit Invoices to Sales Credit Notes
Default AP Control GLA Reporting Code

The reporting code of the default general ledger account for accounts payable control. This is used to populate the Accounts Payable Control field when creating an account from a supplier.

Suppliers to Accounts
Default AR Control GLA Reporting Code

The reporting code of the default general ledger account for accounts receivable control. This is used to populate the Accounts Receivable Control field when creating an account from a supplier.

Suppliers to Accounts
Default Company The name of the default Accounting company. This is used to populate the Company Name field when creating a purchase order, sales order, and a service contract. All
Duplicate Supplier Custom Criteria Field

Reserved for future use.


INV Auto Post Sales Invoice

If selected, when a sales invoice is created from an Order and Inventory Management invoice, it is automatically posted in Accounting.

This is deselected by default.

OIM Invoices to Sales Invoices
INV Calculate Tax from the List View

If selected, tax is auto-calculated using Avalara when you click the Create from OIM Invoices button on the Invoices list view. Tax is calculated before the sales invoices are created and the tax invoice line items are exported to Accounting.

This is deselected by default.


This is applicable only when tax calculation using Avalara is enabled. For more information, see Setting up External Tax Calculation using Avalara AvaTax.

OIM Invoices to Sales Invoices
INV Calculate Tax from the Record Page

If selected, when you click the Create Sales Invoice button on the Invoicing record page, the Calculate Tax checkbox displays. This enables you to calculate tax for the invoice using Avalara before the sales invoice is created.

This is deselected by default.


This is applicable only when tax calculation using Avalara is enabled. For more information, see Setting up External Tax Calculation using Avalara AvaTax.

OIM Invoices to Sales Invoices
INV Calculate Tax in the Scheduled Job

If selected, tax is auto-calculated for invoices using Avalara as part of the Create Sales Invoices from OIM Invoices scheduled job.

This is deselected by default.


This is applicable only when tax calculation using Avalara is enabled. For more information, see Setting up External Tax Calculation using Avalara AvaTax.

OIM Invoices to Sales Invoices
INV Create DS SIN Custom Criteria Field

The API name of the field on the Invoicing object used to determine whether a sales invoice is automatically created from a drop ship invoice once it becomes eligible. The field is only used when INV Create DS SIN When Billing SO is deselected. For more information, see Setting up Automatic Document Creation.

This must be a checkbox or a formula checkbox field.

OIM Invoices to Sales Invoices
INV Create DS SIN When Billing SO

If selected, sales invoices are automatically created when billing a drop ship sales order.

This is deselected by default.

OIM Invoices to Sales Invoices
INV Create SIN Custom Criteria Field

The API name of the field on the Invoicing object used to determine whether a sales invoice is automatically created from an inventory invoice once it becomes eligible. The field is only used when INV Create SIN When Completing Shipment is deselected. For more information, see Setting up Automatic Document Creation.

This must be a checkbox or a formula checkbox field.

OIM Invoices to Sales Invoices
INV Create SIN When Completing Shipment

If selected, sales invoices are automatically created when completing a shipment related to an inventory invoice. For more information, see Setting up Automatic Document Creation.

This is deselected by default.

OIM Invoices to Sales Invoices
INV Enable Manual Deposits

If deselected, deposits are automatically applied when creating a sales invoice. If selected, you can manually apply a deposit on the resulting sales invoice.

This is deselected by default.

OIM Invoices to Sales Invoices
INV Sales Invoice Line Limit

The maximum number of lines that can exist on a single sales invoice. If the number of lines exceeds this amount, several sales invoices are created.

The default value is 600.

OIM Invoices to Sales Invoices
INV Use Custom Mappings

If selected, Foundations mappings are used when creating sales invoices from Order and Inventory Management invoices.

This is selected by default.

OIM Invoices to Sales Invoices

ITPR Auto Post Journal If selected, when a journal is created from an inventory transaction, it is automatically posted in Accounting. Inventory Transactions to Journals
ITPR Create JNL Custom Criteria Field

The API name of the field on the Inventory Transaction Perpetual Record object used to determine whether a journal is automatically created from the perpetual record once it becomes eligible. The field is only used if the ITRP Create Journal When ITPR is Created field is deselected. For more information, see Setting up Automatic Document Creation.

This must be a checkbox or a formula checkbox field.

Inventory Transactions to Journals
ITPR Create Journal When ITPR is Created When selected, as soon as an eligible inventory transaction perpetual record is created, the connector creates a journal for the perpetual record. For more information, see Setting up Automatic Document Creation. Inventory Transactions to Journals
ITPR Journal Line Limit This field is not used. N/A
Send Emails

When selected, the connector sends an email notification after creating documents in the background.

This is selected by default.

Send Notifications

When selected, the connector sends a Salesforce notification after creating documents in the background.

This is selected by default.

Sync Accounts to Suppliers

Reserved for future use.


Sync Suppliers to Accounts

If selected, when you create a supplier site, the connector automatically creates a matching vendor account. When you update an existing supplier site, the related vendor account is automatically updated with the relevant values. For more information, see Suppliers to Accounts.

This is deselected by default.

Suppliers to Accounts