Creating AP Voucher Lines
The AP voucher lines specify which products and services you want to include on the AP voucher. You can add lines from the associated purchase orders and you can add lines that are not on the purchase order but are present on the supplier invoice.
An AP voucher can contain lines from multiple purchase orders as long as they are of the same type, either "Approved Internal Purchase Order" or "Approved Drop Ship Purchase Order", and share the same currency. If Order and Inventory Management – Accounting Connector is installed in your org, the purchase orders must also belong to the same Accounting company. By including AP voucher lines from multiple purchase orders, you can voucher multiple purchase orders in a single transaction.
You can change the quantity and unit cost of a line from a purchase order if the quantity or unit cost on the supplier invoice line is different. The column header of the AP voucher line section remains fixed when an AP voucher with multiple lines is created to enable you to easily track your AP voucher line data.
The AP voucher currency is derived from:
- The purchase order lines, if it contains any
- The associated purchase order, if there is no purchase order line added
- The associated supplier site, if there is no purchase order specified and no purchase order line added
If an AP voucher has both a purchase order and a supplier site specified, the AP voucher currency is derived from the associated purchase order.
The following table shows which of the purchase order line record types require a receipt:
Purchase Order Line Record Type | Description | Receipt Required |
Blanket Order | This is a line that is based on an existing agreement with the supplier. | Yes |
Capital Equipment | This type of line item is used to purchase capital equipment. The incoming equipment goes through a receiving process, but it does not become part of inventory. | Yes |
Category | This type of line is used for purchases based on categories. You can associate the goods or services that you are purchasing with a category such as software, food and drinks, or office supplies. Category lines can be received either by quantity or amount. |
No |
Contractor | This purchase order line type is used to purchase a contract type service. For example, software licensing, advertising, repair services or another service required by your company. Contractor purchase order lines do not require a receipt as services are not received into warehouses. | No |
Description | This type of purchase order line is used to buy something based on a description. This is usually for an item that has no item master set up or an item that will not become part of your capital equipment portfolio. This type of item will be consumed or utilized by your organization and won't be subject to depreciation. This line type can be received as required. Description lines can be received either by quantity or amount. |
No |
Item | A purchase order line to purchase goods or services that have an item master set up. | Yes |
Logistics | This type of line is used to enter a purchase cost incurred in association with a specific item or items. Items must be allocated to the line. | No |
Misc. Charge | This line is used when miscellaneous charges are applicable (e.g., special handling charge for refrigeration, fuel excess fees). They should be created as a separate line item on the purchase order. | No |
On-Site Service | This type of line is used for costs of service performed by a service provider on-site. Not to be used when an item is sent out for service or when service is done by internal personnel. | No |
Service | This type of line is used for service type purchase orders, where one or more items are shipped out for a service and received back into inventory following the service. | Yes |
Add a New Voucher Line from a Purchase Order

To add an AP voucher line from an approved purchase order:
- In the AP Voucher Line Items grid, click Add Lines from Purchase Order.
- If the AP voucher does not already contain any lines, or if the Purchase Order field is not populated on the AP voucher, select the purchase order type and click Next.
- Select the purchase order lines you want to add. For efficient line processing, we recommend selecting no more than 3,000 lines to be vouchered in a single transaction.
- Edit the unit cost as required.
- Edit the quantity to voucher as required.
- Click Add.
- Click Save.
AP voucher lines are added immediately if their number is below the value in the AP Voucher Lines from PO Lines Threshold custom setting field. If the number of lines exceeds the threshold, they are created as part of an asynchronous batch job and you are notified by email when the process completes. You can adjust this threshold as long as it does not exceed 1,000 lines, which is the maximum allowed. For more information, see Batch Settings.

To add an AP voucher line from a purchase order:
- Click New Voucher Line from PO.
- Select the purchase order line you want to add.
- Edit the quantity to voucher as required.
- Edit the unit cost as required.
- Click Add Purchase Order Lines.
Add a New Voucher Line: Accounting
You can add accounting lines to an AP voucher to reflect lines that exist on the supplier invoice but are not present on the purchase order.

To add a new AP voucher line:
- In the AP Voucher Line Items grid, click Add Accounting Line.
- Enter the quantity vouchered.
- Enter the unit price.
- Select the accounting item.
- Select the purchase order line item.
- Click Save.

To add a new AP voucher line:
- Click New Voucher Line.
- Enter the quantity vouchered.
- Enter the unit price.
- Select the accounting item.
- Select the purchase order line item.
- Click Save.
Add Serial Numbers to a Drop Ship AP Voucher Line
You can add serial numbers to an AP voucher line for drop ship items delivered to a customer or supplier where no receipt has been issued but the item serial numbers are on the supplier invoice.
To add serial numbers to an AP voucher line:
- From the AP Voucher Line in Lightning Experience, click Serial Numbers.
- Enter the serial numbers in the text box.
- [Optional] Enter the delimiter value.
- Click Save.
You can also add serial numbers by clicking in the Serial Numbers column on the AP Voucher Line Items grid.