Editing a Change Request


We recommend that you do not take any of the following actions in any way other than the way described here, as it might lead to potential errors and data inconsistencies:

  • Editing a change request.
  • Adding, editing or deleting change request lines.

To edit a change request:

  1. Click the Purchase Agreements tab.
  2. Open the purchase agreement the change request you want to edit belongs to.
  3. Click the Related tab.
  4. On the Change Requests related list, click Drop-down arrow. in the row of the change request you want to edit and then click Edit.
  5. Edit the fields you want to modify. For more information about these fields, see Purchase Agreement Fields.
    Warning: If you leave the Maximum Amount to Order blank, the purchase agreement will have an unlimited amount. If you leave the Maximum Quantity to Order blank, the purchase agreement will have an unlimited quantity.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Edit the lines you want to modify, delete lines or add new lines as required. For more information, see Editing Purchase Agreement Lines, Adding Purchase Agreement Lines, and Deleting Purchase Agreement Lines.
  8. Click Save.
  • You can only edit change requests when they have a status of "Draft".
  • The Purchase Agreement Lines grid does not display lines with a status of "Canceled", "Expired", or "Superseded" because you cannot modify lines with such statuses. You can only modify expired lines to change its status to "Draft". However, this is only possible if the change request is also in status "Draft" and the expired line is related to an original agreement line.

Editing Purchase Agreement Lines

To edit an existing line:

  1. Double-click the cell you want to edit and enter a new value.
  2. Repeat the previous step for each field that you want to modify.
  • If a line has errors, click Error Icon to display the error message.
  • The Purchase Agreement Line column is not editable.
  • If you leave blank the Maximum Amount to Order field or the Maximum Quantity to Order field, the limits that have been specified for these fields on the change request will be the limits applied to the lines.
  • You cannot modify the record type, the item being procured, or the category of an existing purchase agreement line.

Adding Purchase Agreement Lines

To add a new line:

  1. Click Add Line.
  2. In the added row, double-click the Type column and enter a record type for the line that you are adding.
    Tip: You can click and select an option from the drop-down list. Once you start typing, the list only shows the options that match your typing value.
  3. Depending on the type of line that you selected in the previous step, do one of the following:
    • If you selected the "Item" or "Capital Equipment" type, enter an item in the Item column.
    • If you selected the "Description" type, enter a description in the Description column.
    • If you selected the "Category" type, enter a category in the Category column.
  4. Enter the unit cost in the Unit Cost column.
  5. [Optional] Complete the rest of the fields as needed. For more information about these fields, see Purchase Agreement Fields.
  • If a line has errors, click Error Icon to display the error message.
  • The Purchase Agreement Line column is not editable.
  • If you leave blank the Maximum Amount to Order field or the Maximum Quantity to Order field, the limits that have been specified for these fields on the change request will be the limits applied to the lines.
  • If you specify both an item and a category for a purchase agreement line and the item relates to a product group, you must ensure the category matches the item's product group.

Deleting Purchase Agreement Lines

To delete lines:

  1. Select the lines that you want to delete.
  2. Click Delete line.. A confirmation message displays.
  3. Click Delete.
  • Clicking Delete deletes any selected lines. This includes lines that might not be visible after using a search term to filter the purchase agreement lines.
  • When you delete a line that is associated with an original agreement line, the line remains in the change request but is set to a status of "Expired". This status will be applied to the original agreement line after the change request is approved and applied to the original purchase agreement. Any changes that you might have previously made to the line will not be considered. This means that if you modify for example the unit cost of the line from 50 to 55, and after saving your changes you decide to delete the line, the only change that will be applied to the original agreement is the change to a status of "Expired". The unit cost will remain unchanged with a value of 50.

Undeleting Original Agreement Lines

When you delete a change request line that is associated with an original agreement line, the line remains in the change request but is set to a status of "Expired". This is the status that will be applied to the original agreement line once the change request is approved and applied.

However, lines with a status of "Expired" do not display in the Purchase Agreement Lines table when editing a change request. Therefore, if you want to undelete such lines because you plan to restore them back in the contract, you must manually set their status to "Draft". You can do this as follows:

  1. Open the change request that the line you want to undelete belongs to.
  2. Open the line that you want to undelete from the Purchase Agreement Lines related list.
  3. On the line record page, click Edit.
  4. In the Status field, change the status to "Draft".
  5. Click Save.
Note: You can only modify expired lines to change its status to "Draft" if the change request is also in a status of "Draft" and the expired line is related to an original agreement line.

The next time you edit the change request, the line will display in the Purchase Agreement Lines table so that you can modify it as required.