AP Voucher Credit to Avalara AvaTax Mappings

Here is a description of how fields and values from an AP voucher credit are mapped to an Avalara AvaTax transaction.


When you calculate tax for an AP voucher credit, an uncommitted transaction is created in Avalara AvaTax. When you recalculate tax for an AP voucher credit, the existing transaction is replaced by a new one. The ID of the transaction is stored in the External Tax Transaction ID field on the AP voucher.

AP Voucher Credit to Avalara Transaction Mappings

Avalara Transaction Field

AP Voucher Credit Value

Company Code Set to the value of the Company Code field. This is defined on the Tax Calculation Settings page. For more information, see OIM Tax Calculation Settings Fields.
Document Code Set to the value of the Credit Invoice Name field.
Document Type Set to "Return Invoice".
Document Date Set to the date on which the AP voucher credit was created.
Vendor Code If the Account field is populated for the supplier site related to the AP voucher credit, the name of the specified account is used. Otherwise, the name of the supplier site is used.
Discount Set to zero.
Reference Code Set to the name of the original AP voucher.
Currency Set to the name of the currency master record specified in the Currency lookup field on the related purchase order.
Ship From Set to the mailing address of the related supplier site.
Ship To

Determined from the related purchase order as follows:

  • If the Drop Ship field is selected for the purchase order, the drop ship address of the purchase order is used.
  • If the Override Ship to Address is populated on the purchase order, the customer address record is used.
  • If the Procured for field is populated on the purchase order, the shipping address of the customer account is used.
  • If the Ship to Warehouse field is populated on the purchase order, the address of the warehouse is used.

Here is a description of how fields and values from an AP voucher line credit are mapped to an Avalara AvaTax transaction line.


AP voucher line credits with a quantity of zero and lines of type "Tax" are not sent to Avalara.

AP Voucher Credit Line to Avalara Transaction Line Mappings

Avalara Transaction Field

AP Voucher Credit Line Value

Item Code If the Accounting Item field is populated, this is set to the name of the specified item. Otherwise, this is set to the name of the item master record specified on the related purchase order line item.
Item Description

Determined as follows:

  • If the Accounting Item field is populated, this is set to the description of the specified item.
  • If the related purchase order line item is of type "Description", this is set to the description of the purchase order line item.
  • Otherwise, this is set to the description of the item master record specified on the related purchase order line item.
Quantity Set to the value of the Quantity Vouchered field.
Total Amount If the Amount field is not zero, its value is used. Otherwise, this is set to the value of the Extended Price field.
Avalara Tax Code Set to the value of the Tax Code field of the original AP voucher line.
Include Line in Discount Calculations This is deselected.
Customer Exemption Type Set to the value of the Use Code field of the original AP voucher line.
Ship From The same Ship From address that is used for the AP voucher credit is used.
Ship To The same Ship To address that is used for the AP voucher credit is used.