Assigning PSA – Accounting Connector Page Layouts

The following table lists all the predefined page layouts in PSA – Accounting Connector. It also lists the fields, related lists, and Lightning actions added by the integration that are included in each page layout. For a description of the fields and Lightning actions, see the related field reference topic for the specific object.


Only the items added by the integration are listed here. All page layouts contain additional fields, related lists, and buttons from the core application.

We recommend that you review the page layouts and assign them to the relevant users. For more information about assigning page layouts, see the Salesforce Help.

PSA – Accounting Connector Page Layouts
Page Layout Fields Related Lists Lightning Actions
Billing Event Item Layout (ffpsai)

Services Product

Unit Price - Credit

Sales Credit Note Line Items

Sales Invoice Line Items

Billing Event Layout (ffpsai)


Allow Delete Without Validation

Automatically Pass to Accounting

Billing Event Currency


Sales Credit Notes

Sales Invoices

Create Sales Invoice or Credit Note

Expense Admin Layout (ffpsai)

Expense GLA Code

Net Value

Reimbursement Tax

Services Product

Expense Layout (ffpsai)

Expense GLA Code

Net Value

Reimbursement Tax

Services Product

Expense Report Admin Layout (ffpsai)

Automatically Pass to Accounting


Expense GLA Code

Expense Reimbursement Account

Expense Report Currency

Passed to Accounting

Services Product


Create Payable Invoice or Credit Note

Expense Report Layout (ffpsai)

Automatically Pass to Accounting


Expense GLA Code

Expense Reimbursement Account

Expense Report Currency

Passed to Accounting

Services Product


Create Payable Invoice or Credit Note

Journal Layout (ffpsai)

Miscellaneous Adjustment

Journal Line Item Layout (ffpsai)

Analysis 1

Analysis 2

Analysis 3

Analysis 4

Automatically Pass to PSA

Journal Currency

Journal Date

Miscellaneous Adjustment Name

Passed to PSA


Send to PSA

Transaction Category

Miscellaneous Adjustments

Miscellaneous Adjustment Layout(ffpsai)

Automatically Pass to Accounting

Balancing Amount

Balancing GLA Code


Journal Line Item

Miscellaneous Adjustment Currency

Miscellaneous Adjustment GLA Code

Passed To Accounting

Payable Credit Note Expense Line Item

Payable Invoice Expense Line Item

Services Product

Integration Rule Log Line Items


Create Journal

Payable Credit Note Detail Layout (ffpsai)

Analysis 1

Analysis 2

Analysis 3

Analysis 4

Expense Report

Expense Report Resource

Vendor Invoice

Payable Credit Note Expense Line Item Layout (ffpsai)

Analysis 1

Analysis 2

Analysis 3

Analysis 4

Automatically Pass to PSA

Credit Note Currency

Credit Note Date


Gross Value

Miscellaneous Adjustment Name

Passed to PSA


Transaction Category

Vendor Invoice Item

Miscellaneous Adjustments

Payable Credit Note Layout (ffpsai)

Analysis 1

Analysis 2

Analysis 3

Analysis 4

Expense Report

Expense Report Resource

Vendor Invoice

Payable Invoice Detail Layout (ffpsai)

Analysis 1

Analysis 2

Analysis 3

Analysis 4

Expense Report

Expense Report Resource

Vendor Invoice

Payable Invoice Expense Line Item Layout (ffpsai)

Analysis 1

Analysis 2

Analysis 3

Analysis 4

Automatically Pass to PSA


Gross Value

Invoice Currency

Invoice Date

Miscellaneous Adjustment Name

Passed to PSA


Transaction Category

Vendor Invoice Item

Miscellaneous Adjustments

Payable Invoice Layout (ffpsai)

Analysis 1

Analysis 2

Analysis 3

Analysis 4

Expense Report

Expense Report Resource

Vendor Invoice

Sales Credit Note Layout (ffpsai)

Analysis 1

Analysis 2

Analysis 3

Analysis 4

Billing Event

Sales Credit Note Line Item Layout (ffpsai)

Analysis 1

Analysis 2

Analysis 3

Analysis 4

Billing Event Item

Sales Invoice Layout (ffpsai)

Analysis 1

Analysis 2

Analysis 3

Analysis 4

Billing Event

Sales Invoice Line Item Layout (ffpsai)

Analysis 1

Analysis 2

Analysis 3

Analysis 4

Billing Event Item

Transaction Line Item Layout (ffpsai)

Analysis 1

Analysis 2

Analysis 3

Analysis 4

Vendor Invoice Item Layout (ffpsai)

Calculate Tax Value From Rate

Derive Tax Rate From Code

GLA Code

Input VAT Code

Net Value

Net Value - Credit

Set Tax Code To Default

Tax Rate

Tax Value

Tax Value - Credit

Integration Rule Log Line Items

Payable Credit Note Expense Line Items

Payable Invoice Expense Line Items

Vendor Invoice Layout (ffpsai)

Automatically Pass to Accounting


Passed to Accounting

Vendor Invoice Currency

Integration Rule Log Line Items

Payable Credit Notes

Payable Invoices

Create Payable Invoice or Credit Note