Assigning Multiple Resources to Projects


Fields, such as First Name or Last Name on a Contact record that are contained in a field set do not display on the page when they are shield platform encrypted.


Your administrator can edit the Contact Field Sets to modify the fields that appear in the "Filter Options" and "Select Resources" sections on this page. For more information, see Assign Multiple Resources to Project Filter Options and Assign Multiple Resources to Project Search Columns. If you add too many fields to field sets, you may degrade the performance of this page. Remove fields if performance is impacted.


When Shield Platform Encryption is enabled in your org, you must be as specific as possible when searching for a resource name to ensure that resources are found. See Shield Platform Encryption for more information.

You can assign multiple resources to a single project and update the scheduling strategies for assignments.

The recommended maximum number of skills for filtering is 50. To minimize the risk of encountering a view state limit when filtering on skills, you can do the following:

  • Reduce the number of skills in the filter.
  • Use other filters to further refine your search
  • Click Show X More to expand the number of results, instead of clicking Show All.

For all the lookup fields, you can also click Show All Results for “ ”. The search lookup window opens with the searched string populated in the Search field and displays all related items in the grid.

Select the item from the grid that you want and click Select. The selected item is then displayed in the lookup field. For more information, see Using Advanced Lookup.


If Shield Platform Encryption is enabled in your org, the records in the Resource, Account, and Opportunity search lookup window are filtered using only the Name field in the grid.


If your administrator has set Use Utilization Engine to true, you can filter resource availability results over a date range.

To assign multiple resources to a project:

  1. Select the project to which you want to assign resources.
  2. On the Assignment related list, click Assign Multiple Resources. The Mass Assign Resources To Project page opens and displays a list of available resources.
  3. [Optional] Filter the resources that you want to assign to the project. In Filter Options, select an available option from the fields to locate resources.
    The Region, Practice, and Group fields are populated automatically from the project settings. Start and end date filters determine the period over which the availability of the resources is calculated. These dates default to the start and end dates of the project.
  4. [Optional] Filter the resources by skill set. This is only available if you have created skill sets. In the Skill Set Selection, click the Skill Set Lookup and select a record. Click Apply Skill Set. The Skill or Certification fields are automatically populated with the skills associated with the selected skill set. You can apply multiple skill sets and add other skills and certifications. Select Match All to match resources that have all of the selected skills, or Match Any to match resources that have any of the selected skills.
  5. [Optional] Filter the resources by skill and rating. In the Skill Selection, click the Skill or Certification Lookup and select a record. Select a rating from the picklist. When you select a numerical or alphabetical rating and filter, results equal to or greater than the selected rating are returned. Select Match All to match resources that have all of the selected skills, or Match Any to match resources that have any of the selected skills. Click + Add Skill to filter on another skill and rating. Deselect the checkbox next to a skill to deselect it and exclude it from filtering. Click to delete a skill selection entry.
  6. Click Filter Resources to find matching resources.
  7. [Optional] If you included skills and ratings in your resource search criteria, view skills and ratings in your search results. Compare resource skills and expertise and assign the most suitable people to your project.
  8. [Optional] View the availability of resources in your search results in the % Availability column. Click the % Availability column header to sort results and find resources who are less utilized than others.
  9. [Optional] Click Clear Filters to reset your search criteria.
  10. In Select Resources, select the resources you want, or select the checkbox in the heading if you want to assign all resources to the project.
  11. Click Create Assignments.
  12. Complete the fields described in Mass Assign Resources to Project Fields.
  13. [Optional] Configure a scheduling strategy for one or more assignments. In the Assignment Details area, select the assignments using checkboxes. In the Scheduling area, do one of the following:Click Update Schedules for Selected Assignments to apply the scheduling strategy.
  14. Click Create Assignments.
  15. [Optional] Click Assign Milestones to Assignments to assign milestones to the assignments you have created. See Assigning Multiple Milestones to Assignments for more information.