Mass Assign Projects to Resource Fields

Here is a description of the fields on the Mass Assign Projects to Resource page.

Quick Update Assignments and Assignment Details Fields

* – Mandatory in Assignment Details section.
# – Displayed depending on the configuration your administrator has set and if displayed could be mandatory.
R – Read-only

Field     Description
Bill Rate     Bill rate for the assignment. The default value is taken from the bill rate for the resource's role.
Billable     Indicates whether the customer can be charged for the assignment and therefore included in billing events.
Cost Rate     The cost rate for the resourceClosed A contact that works on a project..
Currency     The currency that the assignmentClosed Connection between a resource and a project. is billed in.
Day Fields     Scheduled hours for the assignment on each day.
Milestone #   The milestone to which the assignment applies.
Name     The name of the assignment.
Planned Bill Rate     The bill rate used during planning activities on fixed price resource requests when the actual bill rate is zero.
Planned Hours     The number of planned hours for the assignment. This field exists on projects, assignments and milestones and is for simple planning purposes.
Project   R The project to which the assignment relates.
Role *   The role to which the resource is being assigned.
Sch. Hours     Scheduled Hours
Start/End Date *   The start and end dates of the assignment.

Scheduling Fields

Field Description
Ignore Holidays Indicates whether holidays for the resource are ignored when the assignment is created.

Assignment Details Buttons

Button Description
Create Assignments Creates the assignments with the options selected.
Quick Update All Updates each assignment line in the Assignment Details section.

When you select this button all the assignments listed are assigned the same name. If you want assignments to have different names you can edit their names before clicking Create Assignments.