Searching for Resources on the Search Resources Page

If your administrator has installed and configured the Search Resources page, you can use it to search for resources and review their availability, skills and certifications, past projects completed, and bill rate.

To search for resources:

  1. Click Search Resources in the PSA Links section of the Home page sidebar, or click the Search Resources tab.
  2. Enter the details that you want to search for as described in Search Resources Fields.

    When Shield Platform Encryption is enabled in your org, you must be as specific as possible when searching for a resource name to ensure that resources are found. See Shield Platform Encryption for more information.

  3. Click Search. If the resource that you want to assign is not listed, change the search criteria—see Search Resources Fields.
  4. To view a resource returned by the search in the Resource Planner, click View In Planners. PSA opens a new tab and displays the resource in the Resource Planner.

If you view the Search Resources page from a resource request detail record, you can assign or hold a resource. You can also view the distance between the resource and the Work Address on the resource request. See Searching for Resources.