Professional Services Cloud
A budget header is attached to a when a Vendor Purchase Order Budget is created. Use these fields to determine the behavior of PSA when a budget header is attached to a budget.
* – Mandatory.
R – Read-only
Active |
Indicates whether the budget header is active and the rules on it are enforced. |
Account |
* |
The to which the budget relates. |
Type |
* |
The budget type. |
Budget Header Name |
* |
The name of the budget header. By default, this is the Budget Name suffixed with the word Header. |
Owner |
R |
The owner of the budget. |
Project |
* |
The to which the budget relates. |
Amount |
* |
The Budget Amount on the related budget. |
Amount Consumed |
The amount of the budget that has been used. |
Amount Overrun Allowed |
Indicates whether the budget is allowed to overrun by the percentage specified in the Amount Overrun Percentage field. |
Amount Overrun Percentage |
The percentage that the budget is allowed to overrun when the Amount overrun Allowed checkbox is selected. |
Expense Amount
Expense Amount |
* |
The Expense Amount on the related budget. |
Expense Amount Consumed |
The amount of the expense budget that has been used. |
Expense Amount Overrun Allowed |
Indicates whether the expense budget is allowed to overrun by the percentage specified in the Expense Amount Overrun Percentage field. |
Expense Amount Overrun Percentage |
The percentage that the expense amount is allowed to overrun when the Expense Amount overrun Allowed checkbox is selected. |
Total Amount
Total Amount Overrun Allowed |
Indicates whether the total budget is allowed to overrun by the percentage specified in the Total Amount Overrun Percentage field. |
Total Amount Overrun Percentage |
The percentage of the combined Budget Amount and Expense Amount that the budget can overrun by when the Total Amount Overrun Allowed checkbox is selected. |