Budget Header Fields

Professional Services Cloud

A budget header is attached to a budgetClosed when a Vendor Purchase Order Budget is created. Use these fields to determine the behavior of PSA when a budget header is attached to a budget.


* – Mandatory.
R – Read-only

Field     Description
Active     Indicates whether the budget header is active and the rules on it are enforced.
Account *   The accountClosed to which the budget relates.
Type *   The budget type.
Budget Header Name *   The name of the budget header. By default, this is the Budget Name suffixed with the word Header.
Owner   R The owner of the budget.
Project *   The projectClosed to which the budget relates.


Field   Description
Amount * The Budget Amount on the related budget.
Amount Consumed   The amount of the budget that has been used.
Amount Overrun Allowed   Indicates whether the budget is allowed to overrun by the percentage specified in the Amount Overrun Percentage field.
Amount Overrun Percentage   The percentage that the budget is allowed to overrun when the Amount overrun Allowed checkbox is selected.

Expense Amount

Field   Description
Expense Amount * The Expense Amount on the related budget.
Expense Amount Consumed   The amount of the expense budget that has been used.
Expense Amount Overrun Allowed   Indicates whether the expense budget is allowed to overrun by the percentage specified in the Expense Amount Overrun Percentage field.
Expense Amount Overrun Percentage   The percentage that the expense amount is allowed to overrun when the Expense Amount overrun Allowed checkbox is selected.

Total Amount

Fields Description
Total Amount Overrun Allowed Indicates whether the total budget is allowed to overrun by the percentage specified in the Total Amount Overrun Percentage field.
Total Amount Overrun Percentage The percentage of the combined Budget Amount and Expense Amount that the budget can overrun by when the Total Amount Overrun Allowed checkbox is selected.