PSA Direct for Concur Expense Overview

The PSA Direct for Concur Expense connector enables you to seamlessly connect PSA and SAP Concur Expense (Concur) without using any third-party application. The connector removes the need to manually create the PSA data required for generating expenses in SAP Concur, and the need to manually re-enter expense information from Concur into PSA. This reduces the administrative overhead and the possibility of errors.


The connector enables you to:

  • Automatically create the project, assignment, and resource data in Concur based on PSA records.
  • Automatically generate expense reports in PSA based on Concur expense reports or Concur expense lines.
  • Filter the data passed between the two apps. You can configure the connector so that only specific projects or expenses are transferred, depending on your requirements.
  • Controls message queue events from PSA Direct for Concur Expense to Concur and vice-versa.
  • Enables you to create and configure PSA to Concur custom mappings and vice-versa.


The connector does not currently support the following capabilities:

  • Read and write credit card-related data within SAP Concur Expense
  • Itemization of expenses and allocating expenses to projects in SAP Concur Expense
  • Deletion of expense reports in Concur are not synchronized to PSA
  • The maximum allowed size for an image attachment in Concur is 5 MB