S2S Income Statement with Budgets

ERP Cloud

This financial statement has the following features:

  • Currency symbol display. Select Display Currency Symbol in the reporting definition to enable this feature.
  • Collapsible rows and groups. Select Allow Expand and Collapse in the reporting definition to enable this feature.
  • Drill down functionality on Actual columns. To remove the drill feature, delete the drill template and the drill mappings from the source definition.
  • Dynamic column headings. The filter values you enter are used as column heading names.
  • Additional running totals for EBITDA calculations.
  • Gross and gross margin percentage calculations.
  • Two sets of variance and variance percentage calculations. Columns A to D are used for variance calculations. To ignore variance calculations, the first column must be column E.
  • Rows 1 to 10 show reversed signs (credits are displayed as positive and debits are displayed as negative).
  • Only row totals are displayed for rows 91 to 99.

S2S Income Statement with Budgets

Refer to the reporting definition data sheet below for information about how this financial statement is calculated. The display names of labels, rows, and columns are user-defined.

Reporting Definition Data Sheet





Gross Margin Label L10 The sum of rows 1 to 20.
Gross Margin % Label L11 The sum of rows 1 to 20 divided by the total sales revenue (the sum of rows 1 to 10).
Operating EBITDA Label L14 The sum of rows 1 to 39.
Operating EBITDA % Label L17 The sum of rows 1 to 39 divided by the total revenue.
EBIT Label L15 The sum of rows 1 to 50.
EBIT % Label L18 The sum of rows 1 to 50 divided by the total revenue.
Net Profit Before Tax Label L16 The sum of rows 1 to 60.
Net Profit Before Tax % Label L19 The sum of rows 1 to 60 divided by the total sales revenue.
Net Profit Label L12 The sum of all rows.
Net Profit % Label L13 The sum of all rows divided by the total sales revenue.
Variance Label L20 Column A minus column B.
Variance % Label L21 Column A minus column B divided by column B.
Variance Label L22 Column C minus column D.
Variance % Label L23 Column C minus column D divided by column D.