Revenue Recognition Page
This is your home page for monitoring scheduled revenue and cost. From this page you can recognize revenue and cost against recognition schedules.
This page gives you:
- Easy access to frequent tasks via a navigation component
- Easy access to start processes via an actions component
- At-a-glance high-level information via alert cards
- A clear view of revenue and cost that is scheduled to be recognized.
You can customize this page to show revenue only, cost only, or both by editing the properties of individual components. For information about adding and editing Lightning components on this page, see Revenue Management Lightning Components.
Alert Cards
There are three types of alert cards shown on this page. By default they are configured to show revenue information, but they can be modified to show cost information.
- Alert cards showing the amount of revenue that is scheduled to be recognized in a specific period.
- Alert cards showing the amount of scheduled revenue that is "Pending"
A recognition schedule line has the status "Pending" if it is not yet available to be recognized. in a specific period, or in all periods up to a specific period.
- An alert card showing the amount of unscheduled revenue for source records using % Complete recognition. For example, if a source record's total revenue is 1000 and 10% has been scheduled, 900 is unscheduled and is included in the amount shown on this card.
If your org is enabled for multiple currencies, amounts are shown in the corporate currency.
Other alert cards can be added. For a full list of the alert cards available and how to configure them, see Revenue Recognition Alert Cards.
Recognition Summary Grid
This grid presents a high-level view of scheduled revenue and cost. Each row in the grid is a summary of recognition schedule lines with the same company, currency, recognition stream, and period.
By default, the grid displays data for the current period. To view data for a different period, click as explained in the table below.
The Filters Panel
The Filters panel lets you select periods and criteria to control which recognition schedule lines are included in the grid. Click to toggle the panel on and off.
Key: F - Type into the field to find names that start with your search string. Type the full name for exact matches.
Field |
Description |
Period |
One or more periods whose data is displayed in the grid. If you intend to recognize multiple periods, they must be consecutive. If there are more than 50 available recognition periods in your org, only the 50 earliest periods are listed and you will need to type into the field to narrow the search results. For example, type 2023 to find recognition periods with 2023 in their name. |
Company | F | Filters the grid by specific companies. "No Company" means that only recognition schedule lines with no value in their Company field will be displayed. |
Recognition Stream | F | Filters the grid by specific recognition streams. |
Currency | F | Filters the grid by specific currencies. This field is only available in multi-currency orgs. |
Account | F | Filters the grid by specific accounts. "No Account" means that only recognition schedule lines with no value in their Account field will be displayed. |
Product | F | Filters the grid by specific products. "No Product" means that only recognition schedule lines with no value in their Product field will be displayed. |
Reset |
Restores the values to their state when you last clicked Apply. |
Clear | Removes all selected values on the Filters panel. | |
Apply |
Updates the Recognition Summary grid to reflect the selected periods and filter criteria. Only data that matches all your selected filters is included. Clicking Apply does not close the Filters panel; you must click |
Field | Description |
Recognize |
Starts a process to recognize the scheduled revenue and cost currently displayed in the grid. For more information, see Recognizing Revenue and Cost against Recognition Schedules. |
You can right-click a column heading for options to show or hide columns, and to change grouping. By default, rows are grouped by company. You can click a column heading to sort by that field.
Field | Description |
Company | The company that the source records relate to. |
Scheduled Period | The period when the revenue or cost is scheduled to be recognized. |
Recognition Stream | The object type of the primary source record. |
Currency | The currency of the source records. |
Scheduled Revenue | The amount of revenue that is scheduled to be recognized against the recognition schedule lines summarized by this row, for the scheduled period. |
Revenue Recognized | The amount of revenue that has been recognized against the recognition schedule lines summarized by this row, for the scheduled period. |
Remaining Revenue | The amount of revenue that remains to be recognized against the recognition schedule lines summarized by this row, for the scheduled period. This is Scheduled Revenue minus Revenue Recognized. |
Scheduled Cost | The amount of cost that is scheduled to be recognized against the recognition schedule lines summarized by this row, for the scheduled period. |
Cost Recognized | The amount of cost that has been recognized against the recognition schedule lines summarized by this row, for the scheduled period. |
Remaining Cost | The amount of cost that remains to be recognized against the recognition schedule lines summarized by this row, for the scheduled period. This is Scheduled Cost minus Cost Recognized. |
Actions | Provides access to actions including Details which lets you view the recognition schedule lines summarized by this row. |
Details Grid
When you click the Details action for a row, a grid opens displaying a breakdown of the recognition schedule lines summarized by that row.
The maximum number of lines that can be displayed in the grid is 1000. Lines are sorted by largest scheduled revenue amount first so that if only a subset of data is displayed, you see the highest value lines.
Field | Description |
Recognition Schedule Line | The name of the recognition schedule line, displayed as a hyperlink. |
Account | The account that the revenue or cost relates to. |
Recognition Source | The object type of the source record. |
Source Record | The name of the source record, displayed as a hyperlink. |
Scheduled Revenue | The amount of revenue that is scheduled to be recognized for the selected period. |
Scheduled Cost | The amount of cost that is scheduled to be recognized for the selected period. |
Status |
The status of this recognition schedule line: Pending (not yet available to be recognized), Recognizable (available to be recognized), Complete (fully recognized), Invalid (the line will not be recognized). |