Assigning Permission Sets

You can assign permission sets or remove permission set assignments from the user detail page.

  1. Navigate to Setup | Users | Users then click the Username of the user you want to edit.
  2. In the Permission Set Assignments related list, click Edit Assignments.
  3. To assign a permission set, select it from the Available Permission Sets box and click Add. To remove a permission set assignment, select it from the Enabled Permission Sets box and click Remove. The permission sets supplied with Revenue Management are:
    • RevMan Admin
    • RevMan Project Manager
    • RevMan Guest
    • RevMan Admin SF License
    • RevMan Consultant SF License
    • RevMan Project Manager SF License
    • RevMan Guest SF License
    • RevMan Analytics
  4. Click Save.

Permission sets with the "SF License" suffix are dependent on the user having a full Salesforce license.

For information about where to find a complete list of permission sets, see Permission Sets and Other Technical Documentation.