Creating an Estimate in a Scoping Session

You can create an estimate using a scoping session, which enables you to tailor it by responding to your organization's requirements.

Creating a Scoping Session

First, create and complete a scoping session, which you can then use to create an estimate. To do this:

  1. Do one of the following:
    • On the Scoping Session tab, click New.
    • On an opportunity record, on the Scoping Sessions related list, click New.
  2. Enter a name for the scoping session.
  3. Select the opportunity to relate to the scoping session and resulting estimate.
  4. [Optional] Enter a description for the scoping session.
  5. Click Save.

Completing a Scoping Session

Next, use the scoping session to scope an estimate by adding estimate products that are relevant to the estimate you want to create. Then, respond to requirements for those estimate products.

Adding Estimate Products

To add estimate products to a scoping session:

  1. Navigate to the scoping session you want to add estimate products to.
  2. Click Add Estimate Products.
  3. Select the estimate products you want to add to the estimate, or search for an estimate product using two or more characters that appear anywhere in the name.
    Note: Your administrator can configure the fields that are displayed in the Add Estimate Products window. For more information, see Scoping Session Estimate Product Fields.
  4. Click Add.

All of the added estimate products are displayed in the Estimate Products section on the Scoping Session page.

You can remove an estimate product by selecting it and clicking Remove from Session, then Remove.

Responding to Requirements

To respond to an estimate product's requirement:

  1. Navigate to the scoping session you want to complete the responses for.
  2. In the Estimate Products section, select the estimate product you want to respond to the requirements for.
  3. Respond to the requirements for the selected estimate product by selecting one of the responses for each requirement.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • Click Save to save your scoping session so you can go back to it later.
    • Click Clear to erase your responses for the current estimate product and start again.
  5. Repeat these steps for each estimate product's requirements.

Creating an Estimate from a Scoping Session

You can create an estimate according to your scoping session's requirement responses. You can only create an estimate from a scoping session when all of the requirement responses are complete.

When an estimate has been created from a scoping session, no changes can be made to the scoping session. If the estimate is deleted, the restrictions on the scoping session are removed, enabling further modifications.

To create an estimate from a scoping session:

  1. Navigate to the scoping session you want to create an estimate from.
  2. Click Create Estimate.
  3. Complete the estimate fields as required. For more information, see Creating an Estimate.

    Your administrator can control the fields that are displayed and their order by specifying an estimate field set in New Estimate Additional Fields field in the Services CPQ custom setting. Formula fields in the selected field set are not displayed. For more information, see Services CPQ Settings.

  4. Click Create. The new estimate will contain the selected estimate products. You will get a notification when the estimate product records have been added to the new estimate.