Billing Document to Sales Invoice Custom Setting Fields

ERP Cloud

Use the fields in the Billing Document to Sales Invoice custom setting to change the behavior of the Billing Document to Sales Invoice or Credit Note integration. For more information about the integration, see Billing Document to Sales Invoice or Credit Note Integration.

Billing Document to Sales Invoice Fields
Field Description
Additional Eligibility Criteria

API name of the field on the Billing Document object used to determine whether a sales invoice or credit note can be created from the billing document. The field is used in addition to the default eligibility criteria. When this value is blank, only the default criteria are applied.

This must be a checkbox or a formula checkbox field.

Blank by default.

Auto Create Invoice or Credit Field

API name of the field on the Billing Document object used to determine whether a sales invoice or credit note is automatically created from the billing document as soon as it becomes eligible. When this value is blank, sales invoices and credit notes are not automatically created from billing documents.

This must be a checkbox or a formula checkbox field.

Blank by default.

For more information about how to use this field, see Setting up Automatic Creation of Sales Documents from Billing Documents.

Billing Document Line Synchronous Limit

Maximum number of billing document line items in a billing document that can be processed synchronously. If the number of lines in a billing document is greater than this number, the billing document is always processed asynchronously (in the background) when creating a sales invoice or credit note.

The default is 300.

Validate Company on Billing Document

When selected, the Company field must be specified for a billing document before it can be completed. In addition, the company must be linked to an Accounting company. This validation is also applied when creating a sales invoice or credit note from the billing document.

If you disable this validation and the Company field is not populated for a billing document, the sales document is created for the user's current Accounting company.

Selected by default.