Deleting Collections Plus Logs

ERP Cloud

Customer reminder and statement logs, created by Collections Plus, can be deleted to free up storage space in your org. You can schedule a job to delete logs regularly. The scheduled job deletes reminder or statement logs that are older than the scheduled date minus the number of days specified in the Reminder Log Retention Period (Days) setting in the Collections Plus custom setting. The minimum value of this setting is 90 days, so reminder and customer statement logs are only deleted if they are 90 days old or more.


You can only select one log type for the scheduled job. If you want to delete both reminder logs and customer statement logs, you must create a separate scheduled job for each log type.

The deletion scheduler is accessed from the Accounting Task Launcher.

To schedule the deletion of Collections Plus logs:

  1. On the Accounting Task Launcher, in the Data Setup and Management section, click Collections Plus Logs Deletion Scheduler.
  2. In the Schedule Name field, enter a unique, descriptive name for the scheduled job. You cannot schedule two jobs with the same name.
  3. Select the log type that you want to delete. You can select either Reminders or Customer Statements.
  4. Select the frequency of the scheduled job. You can select one of the following:
    • Monthly. You can select the day of the month that you want the scheduled job to run on.
    • Weekly. You can select the day or days of the week that you want the scheduled job to run on.
  5. Select the start time.
  6. Select the day, or days, that you want to run the scheduled job. The options available here depend on the selected schedule frequency.
  7. Click Schedule. The schedule is saved and the deletion process will run on the selected time and days.