2. Transactions
The second stage of the Payments Plus process is as follows:
- Define optional filters and retrieve the transactions.
- Select the transactions to pay and then add them to the proposal.
How to Select Transactions
Use the steps below in order to select the transactions for payment:

By default when the Transactions page opens, some filters are already applied:
- The payment currency defined on the Payment page becomes the document currency filter. This is read-only at this stage. If you want to change it, go back to Payment and change it there. You cannot change the document currency after transactions have been added to the payment proposal.
- The payment method defined in Payment becomes the default payment method filter. You can amend or clear the filter on the Transactions page.
- If Select Invoices for Separate Payments was selected on the Payment screen, only eligible transactions with a value greater than zero are retrieved.
- When using Asperato as the payment method, we recommend keeping the default filter criteria.
Click Retrieve Transactions. All transaction lines that meet the filter criteria will be retrieved and displayed in a selection grid. These transaction lines are all of type "Account".
If you want to filter the transactions retrieved to help you find the ones you want to pay, you can define optional filter criteria.
You can filter by the following criteria:
- Due Date
- Accounts Payable Control GLA or Accounts Payable Control Local GLA (depending on your Chart of Accounts Structure)
- Payable Invoice Number
- Vendor Payment Method (including custom payment methods)
- Vendor Name
- Vendor Invoice Number
- Plus, up to four additional custom filters (for more information, see Custom Filters).
The filters and their options are described in detail in the Payments Plus - 2. Transactions Fields topic.
Click to display a list of options for that filter.
To clear all optional filter criteria, and clear the selection grid of all transactions, click Clear All. When you clear filters, the Payment Currency filter remains.

When you have defined all the filters you want, click Retrieve Transactions to apply them. All transaction lines that meet the filter criteria will be retrieved and displayed in a selection grid. These transaction lines are all of type "Account".
By default, the filter panel is hidden. To display the filter panel, click Show Filters. To hide the filter panel again, click Hide Filters. To see more detail about the filter criteria that are in force while the filters are hidden, the number next to Filters Applied:

When you have the appropriate vendors and transactions displayed in the selection grid, use the checkboxes in the first column to select transaction lines to pay.
The options to select are:
- Select one or more individual transaction lines to pay.
- Select all the transactions in the selection grid (use the checkbox on the top-level grid header row).
The total of all transactions is displayed and are updated as you amend your selection.
To help you find the transactions that you want to pay, you can:
- Make changes to what you see on this page. See Customizing the Transactions Grid for more details.
- Click the account name to see more information on the vendor account in a new tab.
- Click the document number to see the original document in a new tab.
- Click the transaction number to see the accounting entries relating to that document in a new tab.
Part Payments
After you have selected the transactions you want to pay, you can choose to send a part payment and edit the payment value manually. To do this:
- Click in the Payment Value field.
- Enter the value of the part payment you want to pay.
- Press Enter or Tab to apply the part payment value.
Discounts are not applied to transactions with an edited payment value. If a transaction has any discounts applied, when you enter a new value, the discount value changes to 0.00.
If you amend the payment value and then clear the checkbox for that transaction, the original payment value is displayed.

When you have selected the appropriate transactions on the grid, click Add to Proposal. You can add transactions associated with a vendor account that is associated with either corporate or local GLAs.
What Happens Next?
After you have completed the steps above:
- All selected and valid transaction lines are added to the payment proposal. A confirmation message is displayed briefly.
- The selected transaction lines are removed from the selection grid. If all retrieved transactions for a specific vendor are now proposed, the vendor summary row is removed too.
- If these are the first transaction lines to be added, the proposal's status changes from "New" to "Proposed". The status of the corresponding transaction line items is also set to "Proposed" so they can't be selected for another payment or matching process.
- The payment total and other dynamic totals are updated in the side panel.
When you finish adding all the accounts you want to pay, click Review Proposal to move to the next stage, Review.
Error Handling
Each time a transaction line fails at this stage, information about why the error occurred is recorded in the Payments Plus Error Log object. See Viewing the Payment Log for more details.
Some important validations at this stage are described here:
- All transactions that you add to the proposal for a vendor account must share the same GLA, and this must be the same as the Accounts Payable GLA for that account.
- All transactions that you add to the proposal must have the same document currency as the payment currency you set on the Payment page.
- All transactions that you add to the proposal must belong to the same Certinia company
A self-balancing accounting unit within your organization..
- You can add individual transaction lines with a negative value to the proposal. For example, you might see a credit note that you want to deduct.