Creating Accounting Playbooks
Accounting playbooks are used to manage all the related Accounting tasks in one place. You can either create accounting playbooks manually or generate them from an accounting playbook template.
To create an accounting playbook manually:
- From the App Launcher, navigate to Accounting Playbooks.
- Click New and the New Accounting Playbook window displays.
- In the Name field, enter a unique name for the accounting playbook. For example, April Period Close Company Name.
- [Optional] Enter the description for the playbook.
- In the Company field, specify the company.
- [Optional] Specify the playbook owner.
- For creating period end playbooks, select the period.
- Select the start date and due date.
- The status of the playbook is displayed according to the status of its related tasks. When there are no tasks, the Status field displays "Not Started". When all the related tasks are approved, the Status field automatically displays "Approved". You cannot change the playbook's status to Approved manually. For more information, see Status.
- Click Save. The accounting playbook is created.
In the Details tab:
- The Period End Date field is auto-populated if you specify the period while creating the playbook.
- The Overdue field displays
if the due date is earlier than the current date.
In the Related tab, you can view the related accounting playbook tasks and the accounting playbook history.
In the Task Portfolio tab, you can view the task list associated with the accounting playbook. For more information, see Using the Accounting Playbook Task Portfolio Grid.
In the Task Portfolio Calendar tab, you can view the associated tasks on the calendar. For more information, see Using the Accounting Playbook Task Portfolio Calendar.