Using a Period Close Template

ERP Cloud

The Period Close Template page is used to create and review a template before closing periods for the selected accounting companies. It lists the accounting companies that you can select and the Period Close Options section with Soft Close and Hard Close options, which allow you to close the period for all GLAs or for specific GLA Groups (AP, AR, Cash, or Other).

To create a Period Close Template:

  1. From the App Launcher search and select Period Close Templates.
  2. Click New on the Period Close Template page. The New Period Close Template window displays.
  3. Fill the Period Close Template Name and the Description field, and click Save.
  4. [Optional] Click Save & New to save and begin with another template.
  5. In the Template tab, to select the companies for which you want to close the periods, click Edit in the Select Companies section, select the companies and click Save.
  6. To set the soft and hard period close options, in the Period Close Options section, click Edit next to Soft Close. Select the GLA groups on the Soft Close window and click Save. Similarly, click Edit next to Hard Close, select the hard period close options and click Save. The selected GLA groups display in the Period Close Options section.

To close periods for the created template:

  1. Click Close Periods on the Period Close Template page. The Select Date to Close Periods window displays.
  2. Select a date and click Close Periods. You will be notified once the process is complete.
  • The open periods for the companies are closed only when the selected date falls in those open periods.
  • You can select up to 900 companies on a period close template.
  • If you want to schedule the period closing process instead of doing it manually, the companies selected on the template must have the same period ending date. For more information, see Scheduling Period Close Templates.
  • The name of the period close templates cannot be the same. Naming a template is case insensitive, this means the upper and lower case letters are considered the same.