Creating a Payment Integration Method

ERP Cloud

The Payment Integration Method object is added when you install Asperato Connector. This object enables you to configure a customer account for Asperato payments. You must create a Payment Integration Method for each customer account from which you want to collect payments using Asperato Connector.


We recommend that you create and edit payment integration methods from the customer account page with which they are associated.

You must perform the following steps for every customer account you want to process payments for using Asperato Connector:

  1. Navigate to the detail page for the customer account you want to create a new payment integration method for, and then click New Payment Integration Method.
  2. Configure the following settings:
    1. Select a default payment authorization. This is required for authorized payments, but is optional for "customer present" payments made without an authorization, where payment details are entered in the Asperato payment dialog.
    2. Select "Asperato" as the default payment provider.
    3. [Optional] Select a receivables bank account to receive payments collected from the account. You can also set the default receivables bank account on the company or invoice.
  3. Click Save.